The C64 was my first and favorite home computer which I bought in 1989. I bought the C64 with a black and white TV! I played all the games I had in black and white until I got a big color TV. Best of all the games were so original and creative compare to today games. I arrived kind of late in the C64 scene (1989) and missed a lot of game reviews because most of the C64 games I played were created before 1989. I have seen many game reviews from !Zzap on the net but nothing from the Compute!'s Gazette . Recently, I was fortunate to get every issue from the net by luck in very good shape.
I have a list of My favorite C64 Games and in the future I want to have a special section about C64 games in general and why they were so good.
My friend Mark have some free games to download that he created in Mark's GW-Basic games.