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^ Here are some good top listing sites ^. 8 )



            Sorry that I have not updated but I have been trying to get some stuff done. I'm trying to set up a site that is going to have its

            own filez of mp3 and gamez. I will have this done next month some time, I will try really hard to get this done asap. Also when

            this new site starts up I will make it in flash and it is going to look great. So for now I want to say thanx to all the people, all 10 that is : )

            that come to this site often. I can also use some uploaders, since I have a 28.8 k modem connection. So if you want to help

            email me at Frozt_bytez@hotmail.com and i will give you the server and let you upload anything from mp3z to gamez and appz, or even

            movies for the people who really want 2. thanx



            I have not updated the mp3z, but I have added a message board, I really hope that I did not add this for NOTHING.

            So please use it. I also found a new host, I will start using him soon, I'm also going to be getting my own filez, right now

            all of the mp3z are linkz, but I'm expecting to have all of the mp3z on my own server. When i get all of the filez on my own

            server I will make sure that there will be no more miss linkz. Also please vote for me on either "Top 25 mp3" or "T1000 illegal"

            thanx. I have both of the south park albums, and want to know if you all would like to be able to download then, please post it on the

            message board. thanx                  Frozt_byte


            There has been a big update in both of the mp3 sections. I'm still looking for a Message board. Please let me know if

            any of you know where I can get one. I also have not been getting enough votes, please vote on one of my two sitez,

            mp3 top 25 has some really good links.



                I just added a new full album, check it out. Have not had any request or any response from the viewers, please at least sign

                my quest book or email me. If any one has code for a good wwwboard, send it to me. thanx




            I have add some new full albums and some more singles. check it out. I will try to do this about once a week or more.

            If you have any comets please email me. frozt_bytez@hotmail.comThere are a lot of broke links on this site. I will

            be adding new filez from time to time, let me know if there is one that you do not want to be taken away, I will be taking a lot

            of filez away as well. If you have any cool banners or images, please let me know. If I don't have what you are looking for

            then check out my linkz.




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