Map of Middle Earth taken from the IBM PC MCGA Version





12/28/2002: Well, a New Year is upon us and more updates to come. I have a few copies of WIME for sale for those of you looking for maps, manuals, etc. It may be a while longer before I'm able to translate the manual and map to PDF versions. Also, a master list of coordinates is in the works.


This site is dedicated to one of the greatest Tolkien strategy games, War in Middle Earth. Released in 1988 by Melbourne House, the games was quite an undertaking for its time featuring enriching graphics, sound and gameplay. Unfortunately, this title is no longer in print and the ownership rights are lost somewhere between three companies due to numerous sellings and buyings of Melbourne House. A more detailed history is available in the History section of this page.

Ultimately, this site will contain everything pertaining to this game and perhaps awaken enough interest for whomever owns the rights to rerelease this game so that all may enjoy it. You can share your tales of conquest from the game, look up various strategies or find an item or person you are searching for, view the various landmarks taken from the game or download sound clips, desktop icons and more from this site to quench your thirst for this game. Your input is also appreciated. As this is a fan site, much of its development will result from input from you the fans, so you can make it the greatest site it can be. The ideas of many or sometimes better than the ideas of one. So take a look around and tell me what you think.

Click here to play the theme song take from the Apple IIGS version


Paypal donations welcome. Please help me keep this site up with a small donation of only $1.00. If I get enough, I'll upgrade content and bandwidth to continue making this the ultimate classic gaming site. Thanks for your support.