
All information presented on this website (DBA. Re-Create Yourself!)  is for education purposes only. The material contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, or be a substitute for medical counseling. The site is intended to help you make informed decisions about your diet and health. Any application of the recommendations set forth on this site is at the viewer's discretion and sole risk. Before adhering to any of the information or recommendations presented throughout this website, please consult with your own physician or healthcare practitioner.


Privacy Policy

This website is a DBA of Lyna Interactive Networks, L.L.C., which operates under a strict policy to ensure the privacy of its online visitors and members. Personal information that can identify a site visitor is collected only when voluntarily offered by the visitor. As a service, this website - Re-Create Yourself!  offers personal diet plans and workout programs. This service is personally tailored according to the individual and therefore may require personal information to provide this service effectively. In this case visitors are explicitly asked for this information.

Lyna Interactive Networks, L.L.C. and its members take every precaution to ensure personal information is protected both online and off-line.

When creating a personal diet and/or workout program our personal data form may ask users to enter personal information such as a credit card number. This information is encrypted and always sent securely using SSL.

When creating a personal diet and/or workout profile users may be required to enter a username and/or password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of this information. Always be careful and responsible when using online passwords.

© 2004 Lyna Interactive Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.