Last edited 9/30/02.
Hola my peoples! I am Ludovico W. Yanto Jr., also known as Pleasantvillager. Anyway here's the
BIRHPLACE/DAY: Fort Ord, California / February 7, 1983 (which would make me currently 20)
CURRENT LOCATION: Sierra Vista, Arizona, USA
HOBBIES/AMUSEMENTS: Acting, singing, dancing, writing poems, writing screenplays,
net-surfing, playing trivia games, watching movies, reading, etc.
Now for the basic B.S. on me. In other words: "*blah blah* this, *blah blah* that, I like/don't like *blah blah*, my views on *blah blah blah*, etc.
FILM: Oh my, movies are my life. I am a complete film freak, regardless of genre (though I have a softspot for horror and romantic-comedies), age, length, I love the art of film. Sadly it doesn't seem that the viewing public has as much appreciation for it, thus Hollywood shelling out the same old tired storylines and plot points, with a lack of style and/or substance. Not that all films as of recent are bad, some are actually masterpieces (i.e. American Beauty), but I just wanted to get my bitching in. You see, I am an aspiring screenwriter/director/actor and I plan to make a difference in Hollywood; I want to make sure people like Darren Aronofsky, Andrew Kevin Walker, and myself (people who obviously love the art of filmmaking) to lead film in the direction it needs to go - to a place where there are no limits.
My FAVORITE MOVIES include (but are not limited to):
- American Beauty - modern classic
- An American Tail - 1st animated film I ever recall watching and it is still dear to my heart
- Goodfellas - I never would have thought I would like such a film, but Scorsese is a God Among Directors
- Halloween - the slasher classic, sadly underrated because of the excessive rip-off and follow-up films that don't have the intensity.
- It's A Wonderful Life - yes, I am a sap for the happy Christmas classic
- Moulin Rouge - hopefully the film that will revive the genre
- October Sky - I tear up at the end of this movie every time I see it and I've yet to meet a person who does not love it.
- Pleasantville - fairytale for the 21st century
- Requiem for a Dream - my how this film dazzles me. It's the film that should be allowed in schools as an anti-drug campaign.
- The Shawshank Redemption - like October Sky I have yet to meet a person who does not like this movie. One of the best Stephen King film adaptations ever.
- Stand By Me - Great coming-of-age film and in my opinion, THE best Stephen King-adapted film.
FAVORITE ACTORS (actually, THOSE I MOST RESPECT is a more suitable title):
- James Dean (obviously) - 'nuff said
- Edward Norton - the best actor of our generation, the next De Niro. Along with Dean and Deniro, one of my acting gods
- Russell Crowe - I don't know what to say about the Aussie bad-boy, he just is
- Robert De Niro - Do I have to say anything? He's De Niro, the best actor of the generation before this and will never fade
- Morgan Freeman - A wonderful actor who simply does not get enough praise for his great work
- Ethan Hawke - Another underrated actor. I respect his choice in obscure roles and the fact that he does wonderfully with them
- James Stewart - Again, what can I say? It's Jimmy Stewart, Mr. Smith himself.
- Jake Gyllenhaal - I know, as of this point his only real film credit is October Sky, but I just know with that much charm and ability expressed in that film, he is going to be around for a LONG while. I've already written him into a couple of my screenplays.
- Joaquin Phoenix - my personal favorite of the family with the odd names. I've been a fan since I saw him in Inventing the Abbotts - it was that same Jake Gyllenhaal feeling.
- Jason Lee - one of those actors who just brings a smile to your face whenever you see him in a film.
FAVORITE ACTRESSES (same as applied to actors):
- Reese Witherspoon - Ah! The Southern beauty with a hell of a lot of underrated talent to her charms. One of the greatest young actresses around today
- Julianne Moore - The most talented film actress of the nineties, I'm convinced.
- Natalie Portman - reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn herself. The girl is extremely talented and a natural beauty.
- Liv Tyler - I don't know what it is about Liv Tyler. She's utterly charming, she CAN act, and she avoids conventional blockbuster roles (I won't hold Armageddon against her, seeing as she was the saving grace of the film)
- Jennifer Connelly - an under-used, under-appreciated child-actress-come-into-her-own. I wasn't convinced I was a true fan until Requiem for a Dream. I also appreciate the fact that she will pass on a blockbuster-specific film for an unvonventional, beautiful one.
- Kate Winslet - I feel this beautiful young actress is far too often dissed for her willingness to do nude shots in a film. I feel the girl desrves some respect for this - she is not only an extremely talented actress, but she can do it at her most vulnerable point as well. Damn good choices in scripts, even with her blockbuster role.
- Alfred Hitchock - the master of suspense who can still tangle people's minds long after his death.
- Darren Aronofsky - only 2 films to his name yet, by I am more than impressed. It looks like we may have the closest thing to the next Kubrick on our hands - well, maybe not, but he's the closest.
- Frank Capra - another classic choice, too many great films to name.
- Andrew Kevin Walker - I don't even want to know what kinds of dreams this man has after seeing the films he has written. Scary S***. For those who don't know, he's the man behind Se7en, The Game, Brainscan, Event Horizon, Hideaway, and Sleepy Hollow.
- Gary Ross - *Sigh* the man who is making fairytales cool again. Writer of Big, writer/director of Pleasantville, and he's got Charlie & the Chocolate Factory coming out.
- David Fincher - I won't even bother with Alien 3 as I don't care much for any of them, but anything afterward was gold. Basically anyone involved in Se7en has gained my respect.
- Kevin Smith - all of his Jersey films were hilarious (well, Mallrats was not as funny, but still good for goofy slapstick) and I have HIGH hopes for the Fletch films as he will continue them.
- Stanley Kubrick - I'll admit I was never really a fan at all of this man, but that was in my younger, naive, misunderstood, less artistic days. The man was nutty as a loon in such a beautifully artistic way. His films were definitely strange, but he was brilliant.
- Martin Campbell - Who? Here's a hint: he revived James Bond, he made masked-men cool again while introducing us to Catherine Zeta-Jones, and he somehow made a mountain-climbing action movie look good.
- Cameron Crowe - I need not go into detail, just mention the films: Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Say Anything..., Singles, Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous.
- John Hughes - Why did he have to fade away leaving us with a slump of not-as-good teen films? Why can't we have a new breakfast club? Where is our new brat-pack (that won't disappear)?
- Paul Thomas Anderson - Boogie Nights and Magnolia are two of the best movies of the 90s. We must praise this man. Anyone who could blend together the lives of 10 or so different characters without disjointing the story has got crazy skills.
- John Singleton - I have not seen a bad film from this man yet. Not to mention he made one of the only great "hood" movies out there and was the first to do it.
- The Coen Brothers - brilliant directors, 'nuff said.
- Sam Raimi - he's Raimi, what else can you say? Evil Dead trilogy, A Simple Plan, The Gift, and Spider-Man. Enough?
- Tim Burton - I have yet to see a bad film from this man (yes I am probably the only person in the world that liked Mars Attacks) and he has such an impressive fairy-tale artistic style.
MUSIC: I am pretty damn ecclectic. I will listen to just about anything, but I love artists who can write their own songs and maybe play an instrument. I also love a beautiful, heartfelt voice. I believe anyone can sing, but when you can express an emotion through only a few bars of humming, then you have got some major snaps from me. Still, I do appreciate a fun, uplifting dance tune - but I do believe teeny-boppers have an expiration date.
- Shania Twain
- Wild Orchid
- Sarah McLachlan
- Elton John
- Vitamin C
- Richard Marx
- Matchbox 20
- The Carpenters
- Jennifer Paige
- Savage Garden
- Warren Brothers
- SheDaisy
- Jeff Buckley
- U2
...and, of course, some more I cannot think of.
FAVORITE SONGS (this usually changes with my mood, so the ones listed are the ones I can listen to the most):
- "I Will Remember You" and "I Love You" - Sarah McLahclan
- "With Or Without You" - U2
- "Greyhound Bus" - The Warren Brothers
- "Push" - Matchbox 20
- "When You Say Nothing At All" - any of the versions by Keith Whitley, Alison Krauss, or Roland Keating
- "Somewhere Out There" - Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram (this song was completely ripped-off of a well-deserved Oscar)
- "Have A Little Faith In Me" - John Hiatt
- "Wonderful Tonight" - Eric Clapton
- "Last Goodbye" and "Hallelujah" - Jeff Buckley (actually the whole "Grace" album is pretty damn good and I highly reccomend it).
- "Stay (I Missed You)" - Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
- "Don't Speak" - No Doubt
- Anything off of the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Currently my favorite CD, I never leave home without it.
...and probably many more.
PERSONALITY: Your generally going to have to take my word that I'm honest, lovable, sweet,
trustworthy, bright, and optimistic and amusing to say the least. Strange, for a guy, but true.
I'm kind of a big teddy bear. Most people just tend to trust me with secrets, money, and whatever.
Of course, I can be a bit strange and have a bit of self-endulgence. As described by a friend,
I'm "outgoing, hyper, yet reserved, expressive." Go Stephanie. I'll let the 8 Stephanies I know try
to figure out which one said it. I try to be as decent a human-being as possible and unforunately this means sometimes people don't see you as one. Sometimes being a nice person does not pay... but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop. I try to get along with everyone, but some people's narrow-minded, self-obsessed attitudes make it difficult to even talk to them, but I still try. Just because some doesn't care for you, doesn't mean you have to stop hugging the world.
Well, that's pretty much me. The only other things that I guess would be of some importance to your knowledge are that I'm bisexual, I love & respect animals, and my favorite books are
"Rocket Boys," "The Shining," and "Of Mice And Men." Have fun with the site!