Classes I have Taken
Classes at Hamilton Taken
CM220 College Composition 2
This course is a research-intensive writing course designed to instruct students to gather, organize, and present information. Emphasis is on the principles of argumentation, the refinement of style, the documentation of research results, and development of library skills.
CS110 Human Dynamics
Students develop an understanding of how attitudes toward self and others impact self-concept. The student examines the relationship between self-concept and energy levels, morals, achievement and creativity in order to expand attitudes and habits as well as fulfill goals.
CS210 Career Development Strategies
This course focuses on developing and implementing a personal marketing plan for career development and growth. Course topics include portfolio and resume development and use, career correspondence, professional presentation and appearance, interviewing strategies and their application, source development of career opportunities, and the successful integration of the above. The course involves extensive use of role-playing, lecture and discussion, library and field research, computer applications, and mock interviews by in-field professionals.
IT153 Spreadsheet Applications
This course is a study of the basic principles of electronic spreadsheets on microcomputers. Students create spreadsheets and perform data manipulations using current spreadsheet software and apply toward business setting. Topics include calculations, formulas, built in functions, and spreadsheet design. Introduces charts, database, and macros. Students will research and compare spreadsheets software packages. This course prepares students for product certification.
IT163 Database Management
This course is an introduction to database management systems on microcomputers. Students explore why and how a business uses a database in a research paper. Instruction includes using a relational database management system on a microcomputer to create a database, update a database, sort, index, search, and create reports and labels. Students will research and compare database software to other application packages. This course will prepare students for product certification.
IT170 Introduction to Networking and Operating Systems
Introduction to Networking and Operating Systems focuses on techniques, strategies, and information related to servicing and supporting networks, MS-DOS, and Windows. This course prepares students for Microsoft certification examination.
IT175 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT
Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT focuses on techniques, strategies, and information relating to servicing and supporting Microsoft Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server in local and wide area networks. This course prepares students for Microsoft certification examination.
IT190 Computer Hardware and Operating Systems
Hardware and Operating Systems with components in MS-DOS/Microsoft Windows and Core Hardware provides students with the theory, hands-on experience, and skills development necessary to install, service, and support microcomputers. Students receive significant instruction within the scope of personal computer design, maintenance, and operating systems. The outcomes of the course are accomplished using a student computer project. This course prepares students for the A+ Certification Exam.
IT233 Visual BASIC
This course focuses on developing intermediate level skills for programmers new to the windows-based programming environment. Students are expected to have some familiarity with the Windows user interface.
IT245 Website Development
This course is designed to analyze, design, build and implement web sites. This course also prepares students for product certification.
IT247 Website Tools
In this course, students learn how to create graphics with both vector and bitmap images, apply special effects, build button, add rollovers, and create an animated GIF.
IT253 Microcomputer Programming II
This course prepares students with more advanced programming concepts and techniques. Topics include interactive data entry, the shell and bubble sorts, menus, and sequential and random access file handling. Upon completion, students will be able to develop a menu-driven system of programs for business applications.
IT255 E-Commerce Development
This course is designed to design, build, and implement web-based commerce solutions.
IT293 Advanced Visual BASIC
This course is an advanced course in the computer programming language Visual BASIC. This course will prepare students to take the Visual BASIC certification test. Students will create a researched and marketable computer software package. This course prepares students for product certification.
MM102 Math for General Education
This course introduces pre-algebra and pre-geometry concepts and reviews computational and problem-solving skills in selected areas needed for successful entry into any occupation.
MT101 Introduction to Management
This course provides theory of management basics. Areas include management’s styles, functions of managements, the manager-employee relationship, and types of organization. Analysis of managerial theory or style through a research assignment is required.
SS144 Sociology
This course examines the structure and dynamics of human society and explores patterns, rules, and institutional structures that surround and determine behavior. Students are introduced to such topics as culture and socialization, groups and social institutions, social inequality, and social change. Students' awareness of how rules and patterns of society affect them, their communities, and their future is enhanced.
Classes at Northeast Iowa Community College
02:017 Accounting Fundamentals I
Basic accounting principles are presented to introduce beginning students to fundamental accounting concepts. The accounting cycle of journalizing transactions, posting, adjusting and closing entries, as well as the preparation of financial statements is emphasized for service and merchandising concerns. The scope and depth of accounting concepts discussed are aimed at non-accounting majors.
02:018 Accounting Fundamentals II
Additional study of accounting fundamentals. Items covered will include inventories, acquisition of plant assets, depreciation of plant assets, disposal of plant assets, and liabilities.
02:025 Payroll Accounting
The study of personnel and payroll records that provide the information required under current laws affecting the operations of a payroll system.
02:110 Accounting Principles 1
Basic accounting principles are presented to give beginning students an understanding of fundamental accounting theory and procedure. A great deal of emphasis will be placed on the practical aspects as utilized in the business world.
14:016 Communication Skills
Provides opportunity for the student to develop as an effective employee. Emphasis is placed on listening, speaking, writing, and reading as these relate to the career needs of the student.
14:110 College Composition 1
A writing course that prepares the student for the types of communication and thought essential to academic and working-world success. The course focuses on writing as a process and is intended to help students identify and refine their own personal writing.
14:112 Fundamentals of Speech
An introductory course which emphasizes actual speaking experiences with practice in choosing subjects, analyzing audiences, and preparing and delivering a variety of informative and persuasive extemporaneous speeches. Opportunity will be given to develop skills in listening and group discussion techniques.
14:120 Technical Writing
Designed to improve each student's skills at writing abstracts of technical material, business letters, and memos common in manufacturing and technology, technical reports, and sets of instructions. Student writing will follow business procedures and be based on background knowledge and research. This course also prepares students to present technical reports orally to small audiences.
16:016 Computer Careers
The course will allow students to become familiar with the job responsibilities and general characteristics of various career paths within the computer industry.
16:032 Systems Analysis
Provides the student with the information needed for effective participation in a business environment dependent upon computers and their applications. This course emphasizes the application of a structured, top-down process for the development of computer-based information systems, the concept of a system development life cycle, and methods for managing the complex tasks associated with the various system development life cycle phases
16:033 Data Communications
An introduction to fundamental data communications concepts and terminology. Modes of data transmission as well as transmission media are discussed. The various hardware devices required to implement a data communications system are emphasized. Different types of networks are discussed and illustrated, and techniques to minimize the costs of operating the networks are examined. Common data communication errors, their detection, and corrections are discussed. Available software, common carriers, and prevailing costs for services are presented.
16:034 Computer Systems
An advanced data processing course designed to develop a more thorough understanding of the hardware-software interface which must exist for a computer system to function smoothly. Microprocessor technology and hardware interfaces are studied in depth. Emphasis is placed on developing analytical reading skills to empower students to keep abreast of future technological advancements.
16:050 Computer Project Seminar
Students will develop a computerized solution to an accounting application problem. The system will be developed in a team environment with emphasis placed on program efficiency, use of available utility programs, the interrelationships of programs to form a workable system, and professional documentation standards. Students will assess system needs to determine the most appropriate file structure for each application, program, debug, test, and document all programs. Techniques used to develop multi-media presentation and on-line training modules will also be covered.
16:053 Internet: HTML & Java
Introduces the basics of the Internet and the creation and maintenance of Home and Web pages. Hypertext markup language is used in the creation of Home and Web pages. Good screen layout and design principles are stressed. The use of application software to create Web pages is covered. The program development cycle and structured modular design techniques are followed.
16:110 Introduction to Data Processing
This course will familiarize students with fundamental business data processing applications and concepts. A broad view of data processing topics is presented, and the impact of the computer on our society is emphasized. Students learn the concepts of magnetic storage media, file organization, data representation, communication, input/output, operating system software, telecommunications, and program development. While significant class time is devoted to understanding concepts, students receive practical application experience in the labs.
16:115 Programming in C++
Introduces the student to the basic elements of structured C/C++ programming. The student becomes familiar with the syntax and logic structures of C by gaining experience and practice in designing and coding a sequence of increasingly complex programs
16:119 Computer Applications
Presents an overview of data processing concepts through hands-on exercises. Experience is gained by working through progressively challenging exercises using business application software. Practical use of spreadsheet, word processing, database, and graphic programs, and the integration of these are stressed. Purchasing guidelines for software selection and the impact of hardware systems is discussed.
16:122 Advanced Computer Applications & Presentation Media
Introduces advanced data processing concepts in the areas of desktop publishing, presentation graphics, multimedia software, communications, online documentation, intranet groupware, file transfers, and utilities. Practical applications for business will be explored with good design principles being stressed throughout the course.
16:123 Programming in QuickBasic
Introduces the fundamental concepts of programming. Structured programming is introduced. The student is required to program a series of increasingly complex business applications in the QBASIC or QuickBasic language.
56:018 Introduction to Microcomputers
Introduces the student to the basic concepts of information processing with "hands-on" experience on a microcomputer system.
56:019 Job Seeking Skills
The purpose of this course is to develop the skills necessary to obtain and retain employment. Students will learn how to develop job leads, fill out resumes, and write cover letters. They will also learn good interviewing techniques and interpersonal skills to aid in job retention.
56:021 Time & Stress Management
Designed to provide students with techniques to effectively manage time and to recognize and reduce stress. The course will emphasize skills that can be applied to the workplace.
60:110 Principles of Marketing
Covers the broad concept of marketing including product, distribution, promotion, and price decisions. Involves discussion of the role of buyers, social issues involved in the marketing process, environmental problems, and the philosophy of marketing management.
62:021 Math Fundamentals
This course is designed to develop basic math proficiency in the units of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios and proportions, percents, statistics, U.S. customary units of measurement, metric system, geometry, signed numbers, and algebra.
82:101 Psychology of Human Relations
Covers all types of interactions among people—their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of those beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that cause interpersonal conflict in our personal lives and in work-related situations.
88:107 Introduction to Geology
This course offers a comprehensive study of the Earth's physical processes and properties and how geologic features change with time.