Gameheads Games Exchange

Playstation Games Database

Application Form



Whatever your console we have other games players who want to swap their games for yours.

We can put you in contact with hundreds of other players who can't wait to get their hands on that tired old game you've played to death in return for the hot little number you're itching to play! 

We make games playing cheaper than ever

Gameheads Games Exchange is a new and exciting way of playing the games you want to play.   
With the ever-increasing number of games becoming available across all formats, it is impossibleto be able to afford to play all the games that you would like to.  
Now that the Gameheads Games Exchange is here, you don't need to.   

If you have a Playstation or Nintendo 64 and you would like to swap a game for another, no problem!  

We will try our best to match you to someone nearby so you can swap your games. For this we charge a flat rate of £5, payable ONLY when you agree to the swap. So whatever you want - Gameheads Games Exchange has it for you.... Click Exchange Now! for Instant Free Registration.

Games swapping generally has a high hit rate but if things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like then read Gamehead's hints below:  

1. Although we may find a swap just round the corner from you, the chances are we  won't! to maximise your chances make the distance you're prepared to consider as large as possible. for longer distances think about using the mail or agreeing to meet half way between your homes, at a motorway services for example.  

 2. Try to match the quality and age of the game you're swapping to the one you want. we're not saying that you won't get a recent top 10 release for your 5 year old game but that kind of swap may lengthen the odds. 

 3. Being flexible increases your chances. offering a choice of games for the game you'd like helps. likewise if there's a game you particularly want, offering several of your games for it also narrows the odds. 

 4. After we send you the other swappers details, don't be shy! contact them straight away. if you both wait for the other to ring you won't get anywhere. also if you can't get hold of them at first, keep trying. if you've tried and tried and it looks like they've disappeared off the face of the earth then let us know and we'll try to sort it out. on the other hand if it turns out that they've just gone away for a long weekend we won't be pleased! 

 Safety first 
Treat games swapping as you would a reply to an advert in the small ads. apply the same rules and you can't go far wrong. most people are honest or nobody would do business, but because we always say "safety first" Gameheads offer the following advice: 

1. If at all in doubt, ask to see the game running first. if you choose to swap through the mail (as many do quite happily) obviously this can't be done so only swap by post if you are sure it's ok. 

2. Make sure you get the box, documentation and any accessories. these should all be there anyway because we insist that the game is complete. however it is still worth checking. if it isn't let us know because we take a very dim view of cheats and the guilty party is liable to be banned from the Gameheads exchange. 

3. If you are a youngster take along a responsible adult. this could be a parent or guardian, older brother or sister etc. 

4. If you find a problem after the swap, unfortunately it is too late then for us to do anything about it, so make sure first.  >>