"to be nobody-but-myself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make me everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting"
-- ee cummings

If you want to see some pictures from Romania....

images from Romania

For tourist information about Romania, press ......

tourist information

Romanian Guide - Your web guide to Romania....

romanian guide

Me and my family - photo album ............................

me and my family

Places that I have visited - photo album.............

places I've been to

Dance like no one's watching. How? ...........................

find out here

Pentru cei ce vor sa-si contacteze fostii colegi...

fosti colegi.ro

Poze cu familia si prietenii.................................................

album de familie

Sfaturi pretioase pentru noii veniti in Canada .....

noii veiniti in Canada

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Romanian national anthem !