Krum Yankov Cheshmedjiev

Krum & Maria Cheshmedjievi,60 Kb JPEG

Krum, Maria & Maya Cheshmedjievi


Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel: ++359/32/99-41-44
Mobile: ++359/89/7452829

[experience] [education] [computer skills] [program languages] [samples] [special skills] [top of page

Nationality: Bulgarian

Birth: on 03.10.1968 in Plovdiv town, Bulgaria

Summary of Skills and Qualifications:

Experience in IT Systems, Programming, Education.

Work Experience:

Education: Special Skills\Training: Computer skills: Program Languages:
See my Samples page, please.
  1. Basic
  3. C
  4. C++
  5. VisualBasic
  6. Cliper
  7. HTML
  8. JavaScript, DOM
  9. JAVA
  10. Perl, CGI
  11. Scripts for many environments, such as:
    1. Unix Shell: bash
    2. Microsoft's DOS Shell
    3. Microsoft's Word
    4. Microsoft's Exel
    5. Microsoft's Access
    6. Borland's Microstar
    7. BIT Software's BitCom Deluxe
    8. Trumpet Software International PTI's Trumpet Winsock
    9. VMS Shell for Digital Vax (PDP 11)
  12. MySQL
  13. SQL
  14. CNC (Language for digital regiment of automatic lathes, milling cutters etc, such as "Fanuc".)
Platforms: MS DOS, Windows, UNIX, VMS

Language Skills:

Additional Data:

[experience] [education] [computer skills] [program languages] [samples] [special skills] [top of page]

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