Huck Finn
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The New Huck Fin - Copyright (c) 1998 Badarse Filmers

    Caught your eye, didn't it? This here video was a project for English 10. We were supposed to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and devise a project based on our reading. We chose a video. And being the lazy, resourceful kids that we are, we decided to go the hard route and film without reading the book first. All of our information was based on the Disney rendition, recalled (after 5 dusty years) from the memory of Lane. Our version, of course, is much more pleasing. And wherever contradictions arise, we were right  ;)

Click here to start download

    This story is actually quite amusing. We had a hell of a day filming, and if my stupid camcorder batteries had held out we would have had a 5-star comedy piece. Right after my camera batteries cut out after the last water scene, the dinghy capsized sending Shady and Lane to the bottom of a 3-foot deep murky watering hole full of cow and horse shit. If you look closely at the first water scene, you can also see some ice left on the pond :) Just the look on their faces would have secured my directing career for the future. Damn Canon batteries.  ;(

    Oh yeah...what kind of mark did we get for this? Well, I got a 75 for directing/camera work, the group as a whole got 60, and everyone else got 60%. Not bad for "accidentally" forgetting to read the actual story!!!

    Geocities doesn't allow .asf files, so this movie is stored on Xoom. If it's not playing for you, get Windows Media Player. In fact, IE5 and WMP (Windows Media Player) are pretty much required.


Lane Ikert - Jim
Shady Rawdah - Huck
Ryan "Skinner" Cherniwchan - Huck's Dad, sherrif, some camera work - also a sasquatch, if you watch closely in the water scene towards the end.
Jimmy Cherniwchan - Trapper's Accomplice, deputy
James Smith - Camera, trapper