Page Three

    We crept silently around the room, inspecting the desk and chest of drawers. The top drawer was locked, so we figured that something important was in it, but it was beyond either of our abilities to pick the lock. We tried to get at it by removing the other drawers, but it didn't work.

    After several frustrating minutes, we decided to wake the jeweler and have him explain things to us. Sinclair threatened him as he woke up and he was most accomodating in telling us where the keys were. Most of the keys, however, did not work and we were rapidly running out of time before the patrols returned.

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Due to lack of interest from the audience and the author, Siali's Journal has been discontinued. I bet, though, if you talked me into it, you could probably get some of the character journals I have been so arduosly composing for Norcumi.

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