HomeLife is a seminar. You were enrolled at birth. You can't get out of it, even by dying. So enjoy it. You came into this seminar with no instruction manual and you'll leave without one. Along the way you might find a few "manuals" that come close to showing you the way. And ultimately you're equipped with the world's best trailmaster, guide, leader....your Heart. And you're equipped with the world's best computer - your brain. The two combined taught you a language when you didn't know anything at all, taught you to crawl, walk when you didn't know anything at all...you had no facts, no books, no websites, no details, no data, no reports to back you up.... Yet you learned to do it all without knowing anything at all. Your heart guided you, the brain acquirred data along the way to support the heart's drive. Amazing isn't it.?? It's only when we get "smart" and complicate things that we find they're difficult....that's why we have trouble learning new languages as an adult....learning new athletic skills, learning a new business etc...... Stop and listen to your heart.....and if you do...you'll always find a way..your way.... How are you following your heart today? View my GuestBook Sign my GuestBook Send any comments or question to The Author