Volumn 2 P.35 (6) program Grading (input, output); uses wincrt; const Max = 100; var Grade : array [1..6] of char; LowerB, UpperB : array [1..6] of integer; Score : array [1..Max] of integer; I, J, Count : integer; begin writeln('Enter 6 grades and their lower and upper boundaries: '); for I:= 1 to 6 do readln(Grade[I], LowerB[I], UpperB[I]); Count := 0; write('Enter the score (-1 to stop): '); repeat Count := Count + 1; read(Score[Count]) until(Score[Count] < 0); for J := 1 to Count do begin for I := 1 to 6 do if (Score[J] >= LowerB[I]) and (Score[J] <= UpperB[I]) then writeln(Score[J], ' is equivalent to grade ', Grade[I]) end end.