Problem  analysis
To write a program to solve the problem, we need to understand completely the input data required and the output produced by that program. We may ask questions about the nature, the format and the restrictions, if any, of the input
as well as the output.

The essential aim of writing programs is to process the
input data into useful output. It is always best to specify the output format at an early stage. We can sketch or write what we want the output to look
like in its final form when displayed on
screen or printed on paper.
~~~~ Problem analysis of the payroll problem ~~~~
INPUT Hourly rate (real number)
Number of hours worked (integer)
OUTPUT Daily wage of an employee (real number)
OUTPUT FORMAT Enter number of hours worked: 8
Enter hourly rate: 40
Daily wage is $336.00

Enter number of hours worked: 5
Enter hourly rate: 30
Daily wage is $150.00