
Web Page Links

--  How about you check out Kelly's website.  You can read a little about her and she has some pictures of her and her friends. If I were you, I'd check this site out, it's great!

Kelly's Web Page

--  Visit Andrew's third site, Planet 2K1.  This is an experimental page, so you should also visit Planet Poor 2, his second site.  This site has some cool animation.

Andrew's Page

If you would like to see your site hear, just send your site to me and I will post it.  Be sure to include a brief description of your site like the ones above.


MP3 Links

MP3 Searches

This site has a whole lot of MP3s.  They've got a lot of new songs, and plenty of the old ones.  This site contains links to other MP3 sites that are also realiable. 


This is a search engine for MP3, WAV, RealAudio, and MIDI, plus some video searches.  Scour gives you many results for your searches, but not all links work, I would say generally about 1 in 5, but there will be one that works.  You need the Scour Media Agent to download these songs.

Scour Media

Konny's MP3

This site also has a good number of MP3's.

Search Lycos's database for over 500,000 MP3s.  This is not always very reliable.

Search Lycos

MP3 Equipment Downloads

Get Music Match Jukebox 4.  It plays MP3 files, but I would reccomend getting this because you can convert MP3 to WAV and WAV to MP3.

Music Match Jukebox 4

Get Real Player G2, it comes with Real Jukebox beta 2.  Real Player can open a number of files, including .avi and .vivo, plus MP3 files.  Real Jukebox is great for loading MP3 songs and arranging playlists.

Real Player G2

Use the Scour Media Agent to download files from the Scour page.  The downloaded files will be stored in the Scour folder.

Scour Media Agent

Win Amp is a very reliable player for many file types.  I would reccomend this player for MP3s.  You can download different skins and plugins for Win Amp too.

Win Amp



Other Links

Take a Web Poll and see how the results turn out.  They aren't hard, because it is just your opinion.  There are three polls to fill out, and make sure to vote on each one, because I told you to.

Web Poll

Read something written that describes things that happened during the 1980's.  Were you born in the 80s?  Then read this and see how many you relate to.

80's Child
