The Siddur Page

Various thoughts based on the prayers found in the Siddur

From the openning paragragh of the Amidah (silent standing prayer) - In the first paragragh of the Amidah, the phase "Elokai avosainu, Elokai Avraham, Elokai Yitzchak, Elokai Yaacov, (G-d of our forefathers, G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob)" is found. Why does the prayer repeat itself, using HaSh-m's name so many times? Wouldn't it be sufficient to say either "Elokai avosainu (G-d of our forefathers)" or "Elokai Avraham, Yitzchak, v'Yaacov (G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)"?

The Chassidic Rabbis answer, Avraham searched the world and the heavens until he found the Creator. He then forged his personal relationship with HaSh-m. Thus Avraham was able to stand to each one of the special tests that HaSh-m placed before Avraham. Certainly, Yitzchak was able to observe his father's example of a special relationship with HaSh-m, and was therefore to copy this relationship. Yaacov, likewise, had the examples of both his father and his grandfather to guide him. The repetition of HaSh-m's name indicates though, that the example of our forefathers is only one aspect. It is not enough to copy the relationship of our forefathers, in addition, a person must also establish his own, personal relationship with HaSh-m. Thus we can understand, "Elokai avosainu," the inherited example of how our relationship with HaSh-m should be, and "Elokai Avraham, Elokai Yitzchak, Elokai Yaacov," our own, special, individual relationship with HaSh-m.

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