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Updated February 2000  -  Mays
The RVUG Internet unix shell account is on KwikNet, 

The single dial-in number is
in Riverside/Delanco, NJ

Contact Information
 For Technical Support, call 856-461-1191, 
or use E-mail to support@kwiknet.net

Then there will be a pair of prompts for the 
account user name  login:
and   password.

The user name is the all lower case  rvug 
the same as it has always been.

The password is the same as it has always been, 
        all lower case
        only the first 8 letters are used

You can again use    pine   for e-mail and newsgroups.
Some mailing list subscriptions for Commodore 
information have been renewed and 
news groups re-subscribed  (02/2000).

lynx is available for text web browsing.
sz is available for file download.

Other setup work continues.