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News from Por

This year, like every year, there are a number of retiring faculty members leaving our school. During the past, each CUD class hosted its own farewell event for retiring teachers. But since the past few years, our Alumni Association (CDA) has been hosting the event so that every alumni class, and its members can participate in this event.

A total of 11 faculty members will be retiring at the end of September including teachers from the primary school as well as those from the secondary school.

The Farewell Lunch will be held on September 1, 2002, from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the Siam City Hotel. We are expecting approximately 150 - 200 guests from CUD 1 - 26.

This event provides an opportunity for us to reunite with our teachers who made us who we are today. Perhaps, it is a chance for you to let them know how you are, and how much, or little, you have grown. After their retirement, it may be difficult to find such opportunity again. Several retired teachers will also be joining the event, which includes a traditional "Rod-Nam" ceremony for departing faculty. Each retiring faculty will also receive a small gift from this event for their memories.


The seats are quite limited, but further arrangements can be made if more people wish to join. Since the final agreement hasn't been made with the hotel, it is estimated that 500 Baht would be charged for each person. For more information, please contact Wisrute at wisrute.bu@tpdl.co.th or call (02) 984-2695

A list of retiring faculty will soon follow, but among a few I can remember are Ajarn Orawan (teaches Thai music and organizes "Khone" during Mor 2 - Secondary school) and Ajarn Jarunee (teaches Thai (?)- Secondary school).



  1th: Anake, Praweena
  3rd: Oranis
  7th: Unit
  8th: Pin
  10th: Kong
  11th: Taepin
  12th: Sudkanung
  13th: Tina
  14th: Rawit, Varit
  15th: Sant
  17th: Marvin
  18th: Maywadee
  19th: Kornkan
  20th: Palapa 
  23th: Jack, Somchai,Setha
  25th: Anont
  27th: Tananyos
  29th: Sutisak 
  30th: Suwara;