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My New Cool Desktop

Finally, I get around to doing something...


    Well, it seems that I finally got around to doing something, I spent around 5-7 hours last weekend tweaking my desktop and my icons so that they were just the way that I wanted.  Sure, it might seem like a waste of time to some of you, but for all you Half-Life fans out there, there is just something about that background... :-)  The background is from this cool site that I found while surfing, Phong.com.  This kid has a lot of cool stuff, backgrounds, and Photoshop tutorials.  If you are wondering where I got the icons from, they came from Dot Studios.  They have a lot more cool icons there that you can download and use.  Well, I guess I will finally try to get my site and up and fully operational now :P.





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    If you came here by clicking on a link that said http://www.seethechecks.com, you might be a bit confused because this site has links that point to geocities.com/santidog and refer to the above site.  Well, you see, seethechecks.com and geocities.com/santidog are one in the same.  The fact is that with seethechecks.com, I got the domain registered for free for life, for the banner add that you see below.  So, now I have a domain and a web page, all for the low, low price of $0. I am happy : )



    You don't need to click on any of the ads below, one is so I get free hosting on geocities and the other, the one that is at the bottom of the screen, is so I get free domain name registration.