"Spectrum Analyzers" is a scanner radio club based in South-Western British Columbia, Canada. It is composed of hard-core scanner-radio enthusiasts who monitor all-band, all-mode radio communications. This site exists as an information exchange for club members, allowing us to share research results, to keep abreast of radio-system changes and related news, and to support live chatting during monitoring projects.

Intercepting some comms requires specialized, modified, or custom monitoring equipment and software, and the author assumes that anyone wishing to monitor these comms has access to, or has the technical ability to construct or modify, this equipment and software.

We do not keep a "general frequency list" at this site. If you are looking for a good source of frequencies for British Columbia, we recommend the "British Columbia Emergency Radio Frequency Directory" published by ERC Publications, which is sold at most scanner stores in our area, including RadioShack.

This site is best viewed with Netscape 3.0 or better, with 800x600 resolution and 256 colours. MS-Internet Explorer will display some things incorrectly; I have not tried other browsers. Java and JavaScript must be enabled for all features to work. These pages are updated frequently, so please ensure your browser is set to check for updates each session. Graphics have been kept to a minimum in the interest of speed. If this website ever has to relocate, you can always find us again at http://spectrum.base.org/. All links should point to this url.

Email the author

All email addresses on this site have been edited to avoid the hated spambots. To send mail to any address, remove "trap." from the address. Due to the amount of spam received, email sent from aol.com and kcks.com is automatically deleted unread.

Apr 10/99: I am busy with other projects, so email to this site is only checked once a week or so. S-V

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