Fizzy Fractals Screen-Saver

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Fizzy Fractals is a shareware screen-saver that generates and displays amazingly beautiful fractal images in random order. The image points are also randomly generated, creating a 3D steroegram effect as the image is displayed. It is from this that the program gets its name.

There are many options that can be used to alter the images and the way they are displayed.

Fractal types currently supported are Mandelbrot, Julia, Phoenix, Dragon and Newton curves.

These can be displayed using one or more of 16 different colour schemes, 8 of which also work well in 256 colour mode.

Further options include how the screen is blanked, how long the completed image remains on the screen (before starting the next one), how the available memory should be used and limits for the number of iterations (in order to speed up, or slow down the image generation).

The new version (2.0) has several enhancements over the version 1.x - it has been fully re-structured and has a new tabbed dialog for the configuration, no annoying nag screens / pop-ups and more display options.

However, the biggest enhancement is in the definition of hotkeys. Many users have wanted to see some of the images for a longer time period and even more have wanted to save them to hard-disk. Up until now, this has not been possible, because screen-savers stop running when the user does something. Well, this is now possible. You can define a hotkey to pause the image generation (indefinitely), you can define a hotkey to save the current screen image to the directory of your choice and you can define a hotkey to scrap the current generation and start a new one. What really makes this interesting is that, even though this is a screen-saver, having pressed one of the defined hotkeys, the program then carries on as if no keys had been pressed !!

By the way, ZDNet gave the previous version a 5 star rating - click here to read the review.

The current version is 2.0 and program registration is $10 or equivalent (see program documentation for details).

Online registration is also available - follow one of the links at the bottom of this page.

Click here for some screen shots

Download program and documentation (English) (125k)

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