The Lunch Club
(aka TLC)

Well, summer has come and gone.  Since all of us are now at different colleges, it is nearly impossible to have lunch together again.  But we can remember the fun we had, and we can use this list and pictures to help.  Enjoy.

last updated 8-9-00


The Places we have been:
TLC15 Dairy Queen
TLC14 The Purple Cow
TLC13 Subway Sandwhich
TLC12 The Big Ragoo
TLC11 I dont' remember! help!
TLC10 Did we go to tyler's mom's place? I don't remember! help!
TLC9 Erin's place
TLC8 chez Stephanie
TLC7.5 Pizza Inn
TLC7 Jake's house
TLC6 Ryan's Steakhouse
TLC5 McDonalds
TLC4 The Dixie Cafe
TLC3.5 McDonalds/Q-Zar
TLC3 My House
TLC2 Mazzio's pizza
TLC1 Pizza Inn


Lunch Club News:
There wasn't really any interesting news from the first two lunch clubs. We just ate pizza and talked. There wasn't enough time between then and graduation for any news to develop.  Tony Layrock did abandon us and went to South America for a job, but that is all.

TLC3 met at my house.  It was a blast. Here are some things Exion learned:

TLC3.5 was an emergancy meeting on Saturday.  One of our founding members, Exion, has been told that he has to leave--for good.  His parents are fixing a restaurant in Camden, Arkansas, and need his help.  As a going away party, the gang all met at McDonalds and had some power food (aka McHeartAttackOnAPlate) and then went and played Laser Tag.  What a blast.  (pictures below) Even though it will probably be the last time any of us see our friend Exion in flesh for a long time, it was fun. Funny event at this meeting: The girl who took my order didn't know that McDonalds sold ice cream... (can we all say Airhead?)

TLC4 met at the The Dixie Cafe. This was one of the more enjoyable lunch clubs because of the stories of Gabe. You have never heard stories as funny, especially when they were true. We heard about the movie The Horse Wisperer, bad email, and death threats. We even scared away some guy who was sitting by us because we were so loud. That might not sound fun, but it was. Attendance at this lunch club was a little low because of band camp and other obligations. This was also the last meeting that Lassen could attend, even though he didn't show up.

TLC5 was supposed to be at Ryan's steakhouse. It is a new restaurant in town and we decided we ought to check it out. Only one problem: Once we got there, they were closed. Come to find out, they aren't open on Mondays. Bummer. So, some of us went across the street to McDonalds for the second time. Wasn't too bad. As you might guess, attendance was pretty bad.

TLC6 actually did meet at Ryan's.

TLC7 was at Jake's house. His house is neat. It is out away from everybody. You can't see his house from the road. Cool. Two new people came to this lunch. They provided entertainment in the form of ghost stories. pretty good ones actually. I hope they were stories and not real...

TLC7.5 was an accidental meeting. I misread an email... and I thought that Thursday was Tuesday. So, when we all appeared Tuesday, Stephanie was surprised. But since we were all there, we went to Trail Dust. Guess What? They were closed for the fourth of July Weekend... So, we went back to Pizza Inn.

TLC8 was at Stephanie's house. Lots o' fun. The menu was subway sandwhiches and bugs (ask...). The entertainment included trying to hit each other with dog toys. Then we tried to download icq and things--with a 28kbps modem... Took a long time.

TLC9 was at Erin's house.  We had chinese style food.  In other words, we ate with chopsticks.  That in itself is interesting.  We followed that up by telling jokes to each other and having fun with internet chat rooms.

TLC10 Is this the week we went to Tyler's mom's place? I dont' remember what we did this week.  For some reason I don't remember.  What happened?  Somebody fill me in please.

TLC11 I don't remember this one either...  Am I osing my mind?  Please email me if you know.

TLC12 met at the Big Ragoo restaurant.  It was italian food of course.  Pretty darn good italian food.  And at a reasonable price.  Anyhow, we had fun knowing that it would be the last lunch we all could attend.  it was a week before we were all off to college.

TLC13 was sorta a sad meeting.  We met at Subway Sandwhiches and ate there.  Then we went to the park and played on the playground equipment.  That was the fun part.  The sad part was knowing that a student in the class behind us was killed in an airplane accident.  That put a downer on the last meeting.  We will have to do this again sometime!

TLC14 was one of the best meetings we have ever had. This meeting took place after our first semester in college. There were twelve of us that met at the Purple cow. We talked about our classes we have been taking, our horrible dorms and roommates, and all the strange people we have met. Everybody was pretty much unanimous in that we all like our college! After The Purple Cow, we went to Hastings, and then tried to go to The Midnight Oil, but they were closed. So we went to the Harding University student center and talked for sevral hours. We must do this again sometime!!!

TLC15 was a good meeting. This meeting didn't have the best attendance--only four of us showed--but it has been quite a while since we all were in one place. Members present were Exion, who came from California, and Garth, Jake, and Rebecca who still live in Searcy. Topics of discussion included roommates, the insane amount of our classmates who have gotten married, and our plans for the future. TLC15 occured a year and a half after TLC14, lets meet sooner next time!

History of the lunch club:
Once upon a time, several people were crammed together for 30 minutes to eat lunch.  If you have ever eaten lunch before, you know that this is a ridiculous time to eat lunch in.  To make matters worse, there were 9 of us for an 8 person table.  Someone had to move.  So, Tyler one day said that we should order a pizza. We should have a pizza delivered to the school and eat it instead of that stuff they serve called "lunch."  Well, we graduated without ever being able to eat that pizza.  Someone suggested that we ought to eat that pizza after we graduate.  The lunch club was started.  We have eaten every week someplace.  It is lots of fun.  We have good food, and can talk for as long as we like (2 or 3 hours).  The rest is history...

Here are a few pictures taken at various TLC meetings. I think there are a few more pictures, but this is closer to everything than ever before...

Here's Exion
Exion drinking from a glass. (Lassen took this picture.)

me, Eric, and Jake
Me, Eric, and Jake (Lassen took this picture.)

Jake and Tyler
Jake and Tyler (Lassen took this picture.)

Me, Tyler, Rebecca, and Jake
Me, Tyler, Rebecca, and Jake

Exion in one of McDonalds PLayland tubes
Exion in one of McDonalds tubes.

Exion in another tube
Exion in another tube

Exion in yet another tube.
Exion in yet another tube. Does Lassen's camera have something for tubes?

Corb and me.  please notice the tube in the background.
Corb and me. Please notice the tube in the background.

Suiting up for laser tag
Tyler and Exion suiting up for laser tag.

Me at laser tag with an awful expression on my face
Me at laser tag place.

Eric, me, and Exion at my house.
Eric me and Exion at my place. Picture by Rebecca.

the whole bunch at my house
The bunch at my house

a few of us in front of Harding University's President's office.
A few of us in front of Harding University's President's office.

The whole bunch at The Purple Cow
The whole bunch at The Purple Cow.

The folks from TLC2000 eating at Dairy Queen
The folks from TLC2000 eating at Dairy Queen.

Another view of the folks from TLC2000.  Garth, Exion, and Jake from left to right
Another view of the folks from TLC2000. Garth, Exion, and Jake from the left to right.

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