Tips and Tricks as well as Help and Training Guides
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General Information
With the speed at which technology is warping by many users and new users
are being left behind in a mumble jumble of terms and computer jargon that makes no sense
what so ever to them.
This section will hopefully help to sort out many of these common
termanology problems.
Access Time: The amount of time it takes a storage device to actually read
or write information or time spent connected to the internet or toan on-line device.
API (Application Program Interface): A language and messsage format used
by an application program to communicate with an operating system or other system program.
Archive: An archived file may be used to back up copies of currently used
programs or files or to store data and material no longer in use. A type of file in which
other compressed files are stored.
Asymmetric Modem: A full-duplex modem that transmits data at one speed
while receiving data at a different speed.
Asymmetric Multiprocessing (ASMP): Instead of all CPU's functioning as a
single resource, each CPU is assigned a particular program or part of a program to execute
for the session.
Attachment: When sending e-mail, an attachment is any kind of file linked
to and transmitted with your message.
Authentication: Verification of a user's identity when the user logs onto
a network.
Auto-Answer: A feature in telecommunications equipment which responds to
teh ring signal of an incoming call on a dialup telephone line that automatically
establishes a connection.
Autodial: A feature in telecommunications equipment that establishes a
connection by opening the phone line and automatically dials the telephone number of
another extension or phone number.
Bandwidth: The transmission capaciity of a computer channel,
communications line or bus. The difference between the lowest and highest frequency in a
transmission signal.
BBS (Bulletin-Board Service): An online computer system used to distribute
information, messages, shareware or vendor's software updates and program fixes.
Bit Rate: The transmission speed of binary-coded data.
Bookmark: A pointer to an Internet address kept in a file by a browser.
Bounce: Sent e-mail messages that are returned as undeliverable.
bps (Bits Per Second): The basic unit of measurement for serial data
transmission capacity, stand for the number of bits transmitted per second.
BPS (Backup Power Supply): A device that switches to an alternative power
source when the main source fails.
Broadband: A technique for transmitting data, voice and video over long
distances using high frequency transmission over coaxial cable or optic fibers.
Browse: To view the contents of a file or a group of files. To view and
edit a system created in a program specialised for visual system design.
Browser (or Web Browser): A program that receives information from the
World Wide Web. Browsers range in complexity from the simple text based Lynx® to
sophisticated graphical programes like Netscape® Navigator and Microsoft® Internet
cc:Mail: A widely used messaging system from Lotus® that runs on PC
CGI (Common Gateway Interface): The programming interface for executing
programs on the Web (HTTP) serveers which defines the structure for passing data from the
server to the server's gateway program.
Chat: A type of online interaction common on the Internet and many
Bulletin Board Services an donline services in which two or more users type and send
messages to each other in real-time conversations.
Chat Mode: An online communications option that enables users to type
messages back and forth to each other.
Chat Room: A self contained area or location typically maintained by an
onlineservice and usually devoted to a particular topic which users can access to type
with each other.
Client: A workstation or a PC in a client/server envirnment. One end of
the spectrum in a request/supply relationship between programs.
Client/Server: An architecture in which the client workstation is the
requesting machine and the server is the supplying machine.
Client/Server Network: A communications network that uses dedicated
servers. A network that is processing applicationsdesigned for client/server architecture.
Communications Program: Software that manages the data transmission
between computers and terminals.
Communications Protocol: Hardware and software standards that govern
transmission between two stations.
Com Port: A serial communications port on a PC.
Database: A set of related files created and managed by a database storage
and retrieval system (DBMS).
Database Server: A computer in a LAN dedicated to a database storage and
Data Communications: The process equipment or facilities used to transport
data from a device at one location to a device at another location.
Data Encryption Standard (DES): An encryption technique that scrambles
data into an unbreakable code for public transmission.
Data Transfer: The movement of data within a computer system. Data is
transfered within a computer but it's transmitted over a communications network.
Data Transmissions: Sending data over a communications network.
Tips and Tricks
Microsoft Internet Explorer - ORDERING! Changing order of favorites
Organizing the shortcuts on your Favorites menu. But what if you want to change their
order? Unfortunately, IE doesn't let you to change the order of these items using the
Organize dialog box. Items on the Favorites menu are displayed in alphabetical order.
Windows NT - Troubleshooting Replicator Problems
If one of your Windows NT servers is set up to use the Directory Replicator service and
fails to properly import or export, here's what to do.
The easiest way to troubleshoot Replicator problems is to assign to the Replicator
service a new name. Run User Manager for Domains. From the User menu, choose New User. Go
to the Username field and type a user name. Now run Control Panel and select Services.
Select the Directory Replicator service and, if the service is running, choose Stop. Make
sure Directory Replicator service is selected and choose Startup. In the Log On As:
section, click the browse button with the three dots to the right of the This Account
Field. Choose the user name you just created and choose Add. The Add Name field will
display as shown here:
In this case, <domain_name> is your domain's name. Click OK twice. You'll get a
dialog box that says:
The account <domain_name>\MyAcct has been granted the Log On As A Service right
and added to the Replicator local group.
Choose Start to start the Directory Replicator service.
Windows 95 - Registry backups BACK IT UP
Lots of these tips involve editing the Registry. To be on the safe side, I recommend
backing up the Registry before making any changes to it, just in case something goes
wrong. Here's a quick review on making *full* Registry backups, so you'll have no excuse
not to protect yourself:
1. Open the Registry Editor.
2. Pull down the Registry menu and choose Export Registry File.
3. Navigate to where you'd like to store the backup file, type in a name for the file,
select All under Export range, and click Save.
When you back up the Registry, the result is a REG file. There are two ways to restore
this information to the Registry:
1. Double-click the REG file.
2. Choose Import Registry File under Registry, navigate your way to the REG file, and
click Open.
Windows 95 - Registry backups BACK IT UP
Lots of these tips involve editing the Registry. To be on the safe side, I recommend
backing up the Registry before making any changes to it, just in case something goes
wrong. Here's a quick review on making *partial* Registry backups, so you'll have no
excuse not to protect yourself:
1. Open the Registry Editor.
2. Navigate your way to the branch you'd like to back up.
3. Choose Export Registry File under Registry. (Selected Branch will be selected under
Export range.)
4. Navigate to where you'd like to store the backup file, type in a name for the file, and
click Save.
When you do a partial backup, the result is a REG file. There are two ways to restore
this information to the Registry:
1. Double-click the REG file.
2. Choose Import Registry File under Registry, navigate your way to the REG file, and
click Open.
Windows NT - Are You Sure Prompt - SAY YES
There are times when you need to get a reply to the ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N) question. The
problem is that the CACLS.EXE command-line utility doesn't have a /Y switch that
automatically answers with Y for Yes. However, you can use the echo command to pipe the
character Y as the input to the ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N) prompt when you call CACLS.EXE using a
batch file. Try this:
echo y| cacls /g :
Make sure you don't leave a space between y and the pipe symbol (|).
Microsoft Internet Explorer - HTML Document as Start Page - OUT ON A
Pointing your browser to an HTML document on your hard drive, so you can place it in
your shortcuts folder. You can use the same idea to use an HTML document on your hard
drive as your startup page. Here's how:
1) Choose View|Options and click on the Navigation tab.
2) Select Start Page from the Page drop-down menu.
3) Type C:\\.htm, then click OK.
Click on the Home button to verify that your start page is the HTML document you
wanted. Now, if you have an HTML editor, you can create an HTML page with all your
favorite links on it. Then specify that document as your start page, and IE will start up
with a page of your favorite links!
You can run Windows 3.x (16-bit) applications in their own memory space in Windows NT.
To do this, go to the Program Manager, click the program's icon, and choose
File|Properties. In the Properties dialog box, select "Run in Separate Memory
Microsoft Windows 95 - ClipBook Storage
There's some amazing, little-known stuff on the Windows 95 CD-ROM--for instance, a
better version of Clipboard. When you copy or cut something to the usual Clipboard, you
lose the last thing that was there. Few people know it, but Windows 95 also has a ClipBook
where you can save clippings and reuse them. To install it, insert the Windows 95 CD-ROM,
and in the resulting window select Add/Remove Software. Go to the Windows Setup tab, click
Have Disk, click Browse, and navigate your way to d:\Other\Clipbook (where d is your
CD-ROM drive letter). With the clipbook.inf file the only thing in the file name box,
click OK twice. Check ClipBook Viewer, then click Install. You'll now be able to open the
program by selecting Start*Programs*Accessories*ClipBook Viewer.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - Bug in IE 3.0 - BUGGY LETTERS
If you're using IE 3.0 and you find that items in uppercase letters in list boxes are
truncated, the solution is to upgrade to IE version 3.01. The new version is available
free at: <>
Microsoft Windows NT - Sharing the Clipboard - CLIPPED CLIPBOARD
If you try to connect to a shared Clipboard on a computer running Windows for
Workgroups, Windows NT may fail to make a connection. You'll probably find that the
sharing computer's name is longer than 12 characters. The only way around the problem is
to rename the computer using 12 or fewer characters.
Microsoft Windows 95 - Back Up Your Registry - BACK UP YOUR
All sorts of installation programs mess with the Windows Registry, so it's a good idea
to make regular backup copies of the two files, user.dat and system.dat. Unfortunately,
you can't use Explorer or DOS to copy these files. Buried on the Windows 95 installation
CD-ROM is a program that lets you make up to nine backups of your Registry. Just copy
Cfgback.exe from the CD-ROM's \Other\Misc\Cfgback folder to c:\windows, and then copy the
Cfgback.hlp file to c:\windows\help. To make a backup, double-click Cfgback.exe and follow
the detailed instructions.
Netscape Navigator - Global Sleuthing - GLOBAL SLEUTHING
Don't remember the URL of a site you visited two weeks ago? Want to find out what your
unsuspecting children do when they use your system? You can find out where your browser
has been in the past month by typing about:global in the address book. The resulting page
may be saved by selecting File, Save As, so you can hold it as evidence -- or just keep
referring to it in the future.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - New Features - NEW IN 3.01
In our previous tip, we talked about one of the bugs that was fixed in IE 3.01. If
you're wondering about other reasons to upgrade, here's a list of some of the new features
in the new version:
* Improved compatibility with the PowWow Internet Chat service.
* Improved support for PASV (passive) FTP transfers.
* Improved rendering of JPEG images with a 16-bit color palette.
* Improved compatibility with Novell NetWare 32-bit clients.
* Improved Java virtual machine; better integration with Windows 95.
Microsoft Windows 95 - Policy Editor
Don't want someone else changing your Windows environment? Use the System Policy
Editor, located on the Win 95 installation CD-ROM. Don't put the Policy Editor on your own
hard drive or you'll make it too easy for others to change your configuration. When you
need it, pop in the CD-ROM, select Start*Run, and run the command
d:\admin\apptools\poledit\poledit.exe, where d is your CD-ROM drive.
Microsoft Windows NT - Incomplete FindFile Results - LOST AND
If you run Microsoft Office for Windows 4.3 in Windows NT 3.5, you'll discover that the
FindFile utility doesn't always work correctly; the results are sometimes incomplete. This
occurs on an intermittent basis, and you don't get a clue that something is wrong. If
you'd like to check the results of a FindFile operation, you can compare the results with
a File Manager search. If you run FindFile under Windows (or Windows for Workgroups),
you'll get this message:
The path you specified contains too many subdirectories. Delete one or more directories
or clear the Include Subdirectories check box.
The problem is that the Office 4.3 FindFile utility can search up to 15 subdirectory
levels deep or 200 total directories. If you upgrade from NT 3.5, you'll eliminate the
problem. That is, you'll get the error message so you'll know when you've exceeded the
FileFind limits. If you need to stick with NT 3.5 for now, use File Manager to search for
Netscape Navigator - Gain Real Estate - GAIN REAL ESTATE
To make more room on your browser for, oh, Web pages, select Options, then click Show
Directory Buttons to hide the row of buttons below the URL line. Repeat the step for
hiding the Toolbar and the Location (or URL) bar. Still not enough? Press Ctrl+Alt+S to
hide the status bar. You can undo all these options by repeating the steps.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - Transparent Windows - NAKED PAGES
If your Wininet.dll file is missing or you have the wrong version, something strange
may happen to your IE window--it will be transparent! The problem may be caused by the
Auto-Update program in many Sierra games, which replaces the Wininet.dll file and causes
the problem.
To fix the problem, make sure that the Wininet.dll file exists only in the
Windows\System folder, and that it is the correct version. To do this, click the Start
button and choose Find|File or Folders. On the "Named" line, type Wininet.dll.
Click the arrow next to the "Look in" line and select the root directory of your
hard drive, then click Find Now. In the list that appears, right-click on the Wininet.dll
file and select Properties. Then check out the Modified date on the General tab and the
File Version number on the Version tab. If you're running IE 3.0, the file should say
version 4.70.1157 with a Modified date of 8/24/96. If you're running IE 3.01, the file
should say version 4.70.1215, with a Modified date of 10/15/96.
If you've got the wrong version, try running Sierra's Auto-Update program, which links
to Sierra and downloads the correct version of the Wininet.dll file.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - Transparent Windows - NAKED PAGES
If your Wininet.dll file is missing or you have the wrong version, something strange
may happen to your IE window--it will be transparent! The problem may be caused by the
Auto-Update program in many Sierra games, which replaces the Wininet.dll file and causes
the problem.
To fix the problem, make sure that the Wininet.dll file exists only in the
Windows\System folder, and that it is the correct version. To do this, click the Start
button and choose Find|File or Folders. On the "Named" line, type Wininet.dll.
Click the arrow next to the "Look in" line and select the root directory of your
hard drive, then click Find Now. In the list that appears, right-click on the Wininet.dll
file and select Properties. Then check out the Modified date on the General tab and the
File Version number on the Version tab. If you're running IE 3.0, the file should say
version 4.70.1157 with a Modified date of 8/24/96. If you're running IE 3.01, the file
should say version 4.70.1215, with a Modified date of 10/15/96.
If you've got the wrong version, try running Sierra's Auto-Update program, which links
to Sierra and downloads the correct version of the Wininet.dll file.
Microsoft Windows 95 - Emergency Recovery Utility
There's a hidden program on the Windows 95 CD-ROM for creating a emergency boot disk
that can restore your system to the way you've configured it. Before running the program,
format a floppy, making sure to check the Copy system files option in the Format dialog
box. Then place the CD-ROM in your drive, browse to the d:\other\misc\eru folder (where d
is your CD-ROM drive), and double-click eru.exe. Just follow the directions from there. In
case of disaster, reboot your system with the ERU-created floppy, and it will
automatically restore some of your Windows 95 settings.
Microsoft Windows NT - Directory Corruption Repor
If you have lots of files on an NTFS volume, you might find that File Manager reports
directory corruption when you copy additional files to the directory using the COPY
command. You'll get this message:
The file or directory <dir name> is corrupt, please run chkdsk.
The problem does not exist in Windows NT 3.51 and above. To correct this problem, you
can upgrade or install the latest U.S. Service Pack for Windows NT version 3.51.
Netscape Navigator - One Image at a Time - ONE IMAGE AT A TIME
If you've turned off auto image loading to save time but would like to view a specific
image, right-click its icon and select Load Image.
Lotus Notes - A Letter From the Editors
Dear Tip World Subscriber:
We apologize for the disruption in daily Tip World mailings. We're currently undergoing
a transformation as PC World Online takes over the management and production of the Tip
World mailings. We are working as expediously as possible to restore tip service and have
plans to launch many more in the coming months. Please bear with us during this short
transition period.
Microsoft Windows 95 - Emergency Recovery Utility
If you use the Emergency Recovery Utility found on the Windows 95 CD-ROM to create an
emergency boot disk, be aware that some of the configuration files can be huge, making it
impossible to fit them all on a floppy (and ERU can't handle multiple floppies). When ERU
shows the files it will back up,click Custom to see the files it will skip. You can choose
to skip other files,or you can make a note of the ones not being copied and back them up
Microsoft Windows NT - Remote RegEdit - REMOTE CONTROL
Picture this: You run Regedt32.EXE and open the registry of a remote computer. Then you
choose Save Key from the Registry menu to save the registry information of a specific key
on the local computer. But instead of saving the key, RegEdit pops up this message:
Registry Editor could not accomplish the requested operation.
What happened? When the target directory of the remote computer is the same as the
local computer, the registry key gets saved on the remote computer. This problem will also
occur if you type in a local path. If a file with this name already exists, the local file
is deleted.
To get around the problem, create a directory with a different name on your local
computer and save to that new directory.
Netscape Navigator - What's New, Bookmark?- WHAT'S NEW, BOOKMARK?
To check which of your bookmarked sites have been updated since the last time you
checked them, select Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks, then select File, What's New. Click next
to All Bookmarks, and Navigator will go scouting on your behalf.
Netscape Navigator - IN SEARCH OF A DOMAIN
You know there's a NASA bookmark in your Bookmarks file, but you can't figure out which
one it is by the cryptic names? Select Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks, press Ctrl+F (for Find),
type what you're looking for (in this case, NASA) and press Enter. The pointer will jump
to the first bookmark that contains that text.
A few tips back, we explained how to view a history of the sites you've visited by
typing About:Global in the address book. We meant to instruct you to type About:Global in
Netscape's Location field (the same place you type in a URL to visit a Web site) instead
of the address book. Sorry for the mistake and happy sleuthing.
Microsoft Windows 95 - LONGEST BATTERY LIFE
You can conserve battery power on a notebook PC by setting Windows 95 to do a minimal
amount of disk caching. Right-click My Computer and select Properties. From the
Performance tab, click File System. On the Hard Disk tab, make sure Mobile or docking
system is selected under 'Typical role of this machine'. Your system won't be as fast as
it was before, but it will last longer on a battery charge.
Microsoft Windows NT - BATCH FILE ECHOES
Batch files and PIFs
If you write a batch file such as this one:
@echo off
If not exist C:\test echo 1
and run it, it will display the "1" that you told it to echo if the directory
does not exist. However, if you run the same batch file using a PIF file, the results are
different: The batch file will return a "1" regardless of whether the directory
Netscape Navigator - FRAMED!
When you're in a page divided into frames, it's hard to tell the URL of the active
frame. What normally shows is the Location field is the address of the "menu"
pane. To find out where you've ended up in your travels through frames, right-click the
frame you're curious about and select Frame Info. There you'll see the URL. If you copy it
and paste it back into the Location field, the same site will appear without frames.
Microsoft Windows 95 - SEVEN MEGABYTES RICHER
Looking to free up some disk space? Check your Windows\Help folder for AVI files--you
could have as much as 7MB of them left over from Windows' tutorial. Unless you're using
Windows 95 for the first time, you don't need them.
Microsoft Windows NT - Restoring backups with insufficient space
When you try to restore from a tape with NTBACKUP, you might this error message:
Catalog Information: Unable to load catalog data from tape.
Or you might get this message:
Catalog Error: Error writing a catalog file, check available space.
This is most likely caused by insufficient space on the target drive. This happens when
approximately 99 percent of the drive's space is allocated. The only way around the
problem is to delete some files or install a new hard disk.
Microsoft Internet Explorer - GET YOUR SECURITY UPDATE NOW
If you haven't installed the security update for Explorer 3.01, now is the time. Go to
Read all the information and then download and install the update. You never know.
Netscape Navigator - SHARE THAT IMAGE
See a cool image and want others to get it? Sure, you may download it (if it's allowed)
then send it to others. But an easier and faster way is to right-click the image, select
Copy Image Location, then paste that URL into an e-mail message by pressing Ctrl+V. Let
them get their own images!
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This page was last edited on 19/03/99.
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