Castle Beast's
MIDI Libary
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface; it's computer interpreted music. If your soundcard doesn't support Wavetable, you can now get the YAMAHA MIDI Plug for your Netscape browsers. Windows 95 users can get the version with MWave which does great  software wavetable synthesis. 

In order to listen to these MIDI files your IBM compatible computer must have a soundcard and MIDI drivers.  As for something to play the MIDI song, your Netscape Navigator 3.0 has built-in MIDI audio support. If it doesn't work, you can always download a version of the Crescendo MIDI plugin. As for Windows95 users who want a program to play multiple files, you can also try out MIDI Musicbox. 

 I created this site so that people can download and enjoy MIDI on their computers. 
 Netscape is recommended. Microsoft Internet Explorer might not work properly. This site has various song files available for download and to just play them.

If  your one of those people that likes to just listen to the midis then click here
If your one of those people that are good with files then download them and click here. They are in zip format.
Listen To the Midis
Download the Midis
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