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Special Operations Detachment Delta
(A.K.A. Delta Force)


Special Forces Insignia

Colonel C.A. Beckwith was assign to the SAS in 1962-63. After returning to the US Army he started the planning of a new SF unit for the US Army. It took some pleading and bugging before the Pentagon agreed. On November 19th 1977 the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta was created with the SAS as a model. The SFOD-Delta unit were created in secrecy. The Delta was intended as a overseas Counter-terrorist unit specialized in Hostages rescue, barricade operations and specialized reconnaissance.

The composition and strength of Delta Force are closely guarded secrets. The US still refuse it's existence, even when it's commonly know that they took part in the failed attempt to rescue 66 American hostages from the US Embassy in Tehran in November 1979.

The 1st SFOD-Delta (Delta force) is one of three CT (Counter Terrorist) groups in the Federal Government. The pentagon (still) refuses to officially acknowledge their existence (although they just recently advertised for candidates). Their soldiers are recruited from the U.S. Army, mainly from the Special Forces Green Berets and Rangers. Their main compound is in a remote area of Fort Bragg. It is rumored that up to 2,500 personnel are present at this facility.

The TO (table of order) for Delta consists of three operational squadrons, a support squadron, a signal squadron, an aviation platoon, and a "Funny Platoon". This funny platoon is reported to be the only JSOC unit including female operators.

Training involves runs through CQB (Close Quarters Battle) killing houses designed to teach teams and individuals how to assault buildings that have been captured by terrorists. Selective firing (whether or not to shoot a target) as well as the double tap (shooting the target twice to make sure that the target does not get up again) are instilled in the Delta operators.

Their facility at Bragg is reported to be considered the best special operation training facility in the world. The CQB indoor training range has earned the ominous nick-name, "The House of Horrors". There are mock-up of trains and buses for practice in tubular assaults, and there is reported to be a section of a wide-body jet in the units "aircraft room".

Delta force's main function is as a hostages rescue unit. During Operation Just Cause Delta got their chance to do just that. Kurt Muse, an American businessman operating an underground radio station,had been jailed in Modelo. A 160th SOAR MH-6 transported a team of troopers to the rooftop of the jail. The team fought its way down to the second floor and blew the door to Muse' cell. As the team and Muse made their way to the roof and the waiting MH-6, Kurt Muse counted at least five bodies. Not all had been killed; one terrified guard had been handcuffed to a staircase railing. Lifting off, the small helicopter was hit by small arms fire and fell to the street below. The pilot slid the aircraft along the ground to a parking lot and attempted to take off again. The aircraft was hit by ground fire again and hit the ground, this time permanently. A passing UH-60 spotted the infrared spotlight held up by a Delta trooper, and soldiers from the 6th Infantry Regiment came to their rescue. Four Delta operators were wounded, but Delta had validated their existence and saved Kurt Muse' life.

The recruits for Delta Force are volunteers mainly from the 82nd Airborne, Special Force Green Berets and the Rangers. They are trained in all aspects of Counter-terrorism, and they are said to be the world's best specialists in CQB (Close Quarters Battle).

Delta relies on the 160th SOAR for air support, but they also have their own fleet of helicopters (the aviation platoon). Painted in civilian colors and with fake registration numbers, the helicopters can deploy with Delta operators and mount gun pods to provide air support as well as transportation.

The Deltas are know to have seen action in Panama and in the Gulf War, where they along with the Green Berets located Scud launchers.

I just found out that in 1993 Delta took 1st in a counter-terrorist competition that was attended by 39 teams from 13 countries!

Stationed: Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Weapons: Some of their weapons include M4 carbine, H&K MP-5 family, H&K OWHS .45 caliber handgun, Beretta 9mm handgun, Sig-Sauer P-228 handgun, Mossberg Cruiser 500 shotgun, H&K PSG-1 sniper rifle, M40A1 sniper rifle and Barret .50 Caliber heavy sniper rifle (also know as Light fifty).



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Last updated: October 28, 1997.
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