History of Roman calendar

The term `calendar' derives its root from the Latin word Kalendae meaning the first day of a roman month. The calendar which we use (and which hcal uses) is due to the Romans. The form of this roman calendar that we see nowadays has been achieved over millenniums through lots of corrections, adjustments and so on. This page is a brief mention of the history of the roman calendar.

hcal (also cal of UNIX and calendar of NCSA) follows the British convention of roman calendar. That is, before 1752, a year is a leap year if and only if it is a multiple of 4. After 1752, a year is a leap year if and only if it is divisible by 4 and is a multiple of 400 whenever it is a multiple of 100. The year 1752 was a leap year (in the 29-days-in-February sense) that comprised of 355 days - 11 days were cut from the month of September (September 3 to September 13).


Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 5, Grolier Inc., 1994.
The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 2, 1985.

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