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, you are the visitor to view my website. Right now I'm on a search for killer new midis. I just set up a new folder system of E-mail Retrieval, so if you mail me an e-mail I will read it. Sign the guestbook and tell me what you think of this page. Hey The counter has reached over 30,000 hits. Thank to all the ska & punk midi lovers out there.

If you think that this page is cool (or not) fill out the form to the right or E-mail me. I don't want anymore midi suggustions because some people just send me midis I won't ever put on this page. Or midis I already have. Anyone requesting midis for me to get click here.

Ok I've finely done it, I got some new midis on the site. I put them in the random midi changer. But it doesn't matter because there are tons already in there.

Right now I'm trying to find time to update the graphics on this site. If anyone has any ideas on a graphic theame I should use e-mail me.

A note to all viewers: I cleaned up the guest book. I took all the trashy messages out and made new graphics. Enjoy the new Guest Book. Drop me a line at samieboy@the-pentagon.com.

Please come back again.

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