Bara, a superhero whose touch can burn anything! 

        My name is Pitra Satvika. I was born June 9th 1975 in Jakarta, Indonesia. First, I'm sorry for my terrible English. We speak Indonesian here. You probably don't know where Indonesia is, but I'm pretty sure that you know where Bali is. Bali is a part of the Indonesian archipelago. Just look at your globe, and see the group of islands above Australia. Nah, that's Indonesia.  
        One thing for sure, Indonesia does not lack of technology. I'm a college student now, and I have learnt 3D imaging, modelling and rendering for almost two years.  What you see here, are some of them. I used many programs to do it.  
         The Gallery One images were created with Poser 2, 3D Studio 4.0, AutoCad 12, VistaPro and I composed it within Photoshop 4.0. The Gallery Two images were all created with 3D Studio Max and Bryce 2 with a lot of help from some downloadable plugins available in some 3D sites.   
         This image on the left was created with Poser 2, and then I put some touching effects with Eye Candy Plugins for Photoshop.  
         So don't you think that we, Indonesian people, are left behind in 3D technology. I'm just a student and can make these, our professional ones should be better than mine.  
         If you have any questions about me or Indonesia, just e-mail me at
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