


Progress - news





I posted a message that will explain most everything. Check it out at the messageboard.


I slapped a message board together (nothing fancy...yet) so it will be easier for all of you to share your thoughts and ideas with others as well. The link should be at the top right (replacing the old email link). If your screen resolution is less than 800x600 you may have to scroll right. Believe it or not, but I check my site quite often and with the addition of this message board I hope to get a lot more comments. I know some of you out there have some great ideas to share that will speed up the completion of this project, so use that board!

I am also dropping a note to let everyone know progression still exists. I didn't realize how much work I was getting myself into when I decided to create this TC, but now that I've begun (and publicized) it I feel an obligation to carry it through. So fear not and worry less. I will try to add more visual updates soon, but for now check out and use the message board.


Alright, I'm back. First off I'd like to thank you all for your support (you know who you are) and interest in this project. I've gotten my name out there and the counter seems to do the talking. In appreciation for your interest I've released some new screenshots. Since the levels aren't much further, I've simple re-shot similar scenes with better weapon graphics, plus you can now click on each picture for a larger version. Enjoy!


New title/logo picture and web page to give a more authentic Lucasarts feel! I was getting bored with the old one. I've also developed a strong story base (check out the setting by clicking on the Progress-Story link) and even an animated cut-scene via 3D Studio. I'm going all out for this conversion.


I must confess, time has become a rare commodity. Due to a surplus of new clients at work I am finding less time to complete this project as scheduled. Rest assured, it will be completed, just not as quickly as I had originally hoped.

Although the counter continues to rise, I feel as though not enough of you are interested in this project to make it worthwhile. I would appreciate it greatly if anyone of you would place a link to here from your pages or other locations you have access to. I am and will be spending a lot of time into this project and it would give me some satisfaction knowing there are a significant number of people who would interested in such a project. Drop me a line, I'd like to hear from you. Just click on the email button. I usually respond within a day.

Changed Screenshots:
For those who just found this site, I've cycled through some older screenshots. They were up before, but you might not have seen them.


Hello all. Despite the fact I am having dificulty finding places to advertise my project, I am pleased to see word-of-mouth is working. As of now, the counter is pretty close to 200.

I have received some mail from a couple of you out there and will bring some of the ideas brought up public.

  • First of all, I was written about a handy utility called Echo Gamephone. With this device, I would be able to implement a way of talking to your opponent/wingman via microphone/speaker system. This idea sounds great, but I have to be sure about the copyrights and usage permission regarding Echo. If anyone out there knows more about this program, I would be grateful for any further info you may have.

  • Secondly, I received several emails regarding a conversion of this project for other game engines, the most popular being Quake and Duke3d. Once I finish the Doom2 version, I will post all my work for everyone who wants it. Anyone can take the picts, textures... from the wad and implement them in other conversions as long as I get credit for my work (I only ask this because it takes a lot of effort to make a TC like this and I will not be getting any money for it either). I only really know how to edit and have editors for the Doom engine. At this point I am just looking to finish a Doom2 version, then if other versions are desired, let the Quake or Duke3d pros at them.

  • Third, some of you sent some great ideas and I hope you continue to do so. One idea involved creating a large room with a series of connecting rooms inside (resembling a checkerboard) with all passable linedefs. And on these linedefs is a cloudy nebula-like mass with some transparent areas. The result = a nebula where secrets, perils, and treasures can all be just around the corner. I plan on using this idea and will post screenshots of it when it is done.

Thanks for all your support and keep those ideas, tips, hints, letters coming! I usually respond to them within a day.


Added: New screenshots


Greetings and welcome to my current project. On this overview page, I will attempt to answer some common questions.

What's the deal with the page?
I realize it is neither complete nor much to look at, but I wanted to deliver this information to whomever it might concern. I will work on the overall look of the page later.

So what is this project about?
I am essentially creating an "X-Wing Total Conversion for Doom."

Then why not calling it X-Wing TC or something?
I am changing EVERYTHING (graphix, levels, exe, textures...) in the hopes of creating something different from Doom. A wad will always retain the same Doom feel even if there are different levels. And since I am putting so much work into doing so, it didn't make sense to counter all that effort by slapping a 'Doom' tag on the title. New game = new title.

How do you plan on making the illusion of space flight?
One of the great things about this project is that it stands alone from all other conversions. Although I have seen some excellent TC's (Aliens, for example) I don't think anyone has put serious thought into going away from a one-man army in rooms motif. This project, in this way, stands apart from all other wads and TC's out there. As far as the feel of space flight, I have found enough editing tricks to not only make it possible, but actually create a fairly decent illusion.

Why X-Wing?
I am an avid LucasArts fan. They have made some high quality products in the past and continue to do so. When X-Wing vs TIE Fighter came out, I was rather disappointed with the multiplayer capability. If anyone of you has played against someone, you know what I mean... 5 seconds of simultaneously unloading a barrage of lasers at each other, until veering to avoid head-on collisions, followed by 5 minutes of chasing each other's tail just missing with lasers and missiles. After playing that, I wished the controls of the ship were much more maneuverable--I mean that never happened in Doom. It was then that it hit me, and I pondered the possibility and looked around to see if it was feasible. As far as I know, given my ideas, it is.

Why Doom, why not Quake?
First of all, when it comes to speed, ease of use, and simplicity, you can't beat Doom. I have scrounged around for as many editors as I could and those available for Doom far outweigh any other. Plus, I have learned more about editing in Doom than in Quake and am experiened in what limitations exist. Right now, almost every facet of Doom is editable and I like that flexibility. Finally, Quake is a newer game requiring a rather decent computer to run. Since I am making this TC for everyone who wants it, I'd like it to be available to a wider audience. Not only are there more copies of Doom out there, but it is less demanding on system requirements allowing older computers (which still take up a good share of desktop spaces) to be able to run it.

How far are you, when do you expect a beta release?
I have been working on this for quite a while, off and on really, and reached a point where it would be insane to quit. Since then, I have made it a personal goal to finish this as soon as possible. I was eager to put up a website for this project for a while, but held off until I was sure it would be complete. Some of you may know of the frustration Greg Zapf has caused with his seemingly endless finish date.

Greg who?
Greg Zapf is the mastermind behind a Star Wars TC for Doom. Several years ago, he was surprised that, given Doom's popularity, and the strong Star Wars following, there existed no full Total conversions for Doom based on the Star Wars universe. He aimed to rectify this and made his goals public, enlisting a small handfull of editors willing to help, myself being one. That was over a year ago. The project has been sooo close to the end, something seems to stand in the way. Check his site if you're interested...who knows, he might have just finished. The address there is

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other great sites:

star wars doom

star wars duke





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