OverripeBananas: hello
trashed20: hey
OverripeBananas: i'm back now
trashed20: coolz0rs
OverripeBananas: what is that supposed to mean?
OverripeBananas: we're watching newsies
trashed20: cool
OverripeBananas: ever seen it?
trashed20: yeah i think i have
OverripeBananas: it's a cool movie
OverripeBananas: oh yeah! today... i fell in love
trashed20: really
OverripeBananas: yeah
trashed20: with who?
trashed20: who/what
OverripeBananas: wouldn't you like to know...
OverripeBananas: a twelve string guitar... it was so awesome!
OverripeBananas: the best sound I've ever heard
trashed20: thats why i added the /what part
OverripeBananas: if only I had $250
OverripeBananas: ... but then ther ewas that hot college guy
trashed20: :-) keep dreaming
OverripeBananas: his name is chad
trashed20: the same chad you made me talk to last night?
OverripeBananas: no
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: but we are very good at lying... so...
OverripeBananas: yeah. there is no chad
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: ok?
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: ok?
trashed20: yeha thats great :-)
trashed20: just stop saying ok ok?
OverripeBananas: yehaw
OverripeBananas: ok
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: ok?
trashed20: fine
OverripeBananas: this is a real intelligent conversation
trashed20: yep
trashed20: so what have you learned in college?
OverripeBananas: sarah deefurified whispers
OverripeBananas: how to salsa
OverripeBananas: hi mike
OverripeBananas: it's whispers
trashed20: is this a different person now?
trashed20: oh
trashed20: its whispers!
OverripeBananas: yeah
OverripeBananas: birds!
trashed20: birds mean water!
OverripeBananas: that means water
OverripeBananas: Jack, come on, come on, run!
OverripeBananas: dave reminds me of switchfoot
OverripeBananas: these are quotes from sarah
OverripeBananas: we're ordering pizza tonight...
trashed20: pizza=good
OverripeBananas: I know:D
OverripeBananas: say something
trashed20: something
trashed20: :-D
OverripeBananas: come on, you know what I meant
OverripeBananas: please?
trashed20: so how bout the weather in hooland?
OverripeBananas: where's hooland?
trashed20: hooland=a place in one of dr. seuses books
OverripeBananas: cold
OverripeBananas: the grinch stole the weather man
trashed20: hehe
trashed20: i ripped 9 of my cd's onto my computer today :-) im running out of space
OverripeBananas: it's nice in holland tonight... hmmm... i wonder if there are any stars out tonight
trashed20: unlike friday night at brighton
OverripeBananas: uh oh1
OverripeBananas: no stars for heather
OverripeBananas: that makes me sad
OverripeBananas: I want some stars
OverripeBananas: right... but pretending that there were stars was fun
trashed20: yeah
trashed20: then our butts got cold
OverripeBananas: i know
OverripeBananas: brrrrrrrrrrr
OverripeBananas: let's do that again
trashed20: snow boarding needs to be in 70 degree weather
OverripeBananas: yeah
OverripeBananas: but then you can't cuddle (compliments of sarah)
trashed20: hehe
trashed20: thanks sarah
OverripeBananas: no prob
OverripeBananas: tell me something I don't know about you
trashed20: i was born in ohio
trashed20: moved to michigan when i was 4
OverripeBananas: me too
trashed20: moved to canton when i was 5
OverripeBananas: cept i was 1
trashed20: parents got devorced when i ws 7
trashed20: mom got remaried when i was 8
trashed20: dad got remaried when i was12 or 13
trashed20: here. look at some stars: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0012/omega_sqiid_big.jpg
OverripeBananas: you like your step parents?
trashed20: i like my step dad
OverripeBananas: oh... that's good
OverripeBananas: not your step mom?
trashed20: my step mom is a little wierd. she's controlling my dad's money. we dont go out as much, she made him buy a 450,000 house in novi (he is 45) 2 years ago. said he was gonna put me and my sister through college but seems to be going back on that. hasnt given my sister a dime. im not to optimistic about it. She also bought a lexus rx 300. i don't thin she likes us.
OverripeBananas: i'm sorry... me and sarah like you
trashed20: :-) thanks
OverripeBananas: so does steve
OverripeBananas: and we won't take from your college fund
OverripeBananas: :-)
OverripeBananas: no prob
trashed20: now you
OverripeBananas: i like the picture you sent... that means a lot to me... you're so nice to me Mike!
OverripeBananas: I have to tell you about me?
trashed20: yeah
trashed20: if you dont mind ofcourse
OverripeBananas: well... it all started when i was born on Aug 18th 1985
OverripeBananas: we were in toledo
OverripeBananas: I moved to canton when i was 1
OverripeBananas: I cimbed on all the packaging boxes
OverripeBananas: I think that's why I'm so athletic
OverripeBananas: I grew up where I live now
OverripeBananas: my childhood friends all moved away from me
OverripeBananas: don't see them much anymore.
OverripeBananas: I always played with the boys, not the girls.
OverripeBananas: it stayed that way
OverripeBananas: girls talk too much
OverripeBananas: I came to H.S. had a bad 2 first years (besides that I had sarah) and I am having a great year this time because i have all of you
OverripeBananas: came to holland
OverripeBananas: and watched 7 ,vies in 2.5 days
OverripeBananas: movies*
OverripeBananas: and now I'm talking to you
OverripeBananas: I grew up in church too
OverripeBananas: it's a cool place to be
OverripeBananas: you go to church at all?
trashed20: yeah, sometimes
trashed20: my dad and step mom kinda pushed me away from it
OverripeBananas: what church?
OverripeBananas: I;m sorry
OverripeBananas: that stinx
trashed20: some church on 9 mile road in novi
OverripeBananas: what religion?
trashed20: catholic
OverripeBananas: oh....,
OverripeBananas: ok
trashed20: although my dads protestant and my step mom is catholic
OverripeBananas: but really... thank you
trashed20: for what
OverripeBananas: I'm protestant
OverripeBananas: waht about your mom and step dad?
OverripeBananas: for giving me the stars
trashed20: they don't go to church. my mom is catholic and believes but hates the church system and i think my stepdad just doesn't care
OverripeBananas: oh ok
OverripeBananas: I get it
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap020209.html
OverripeBananas: is that a different one/
trashed20: yeah
OverripeBananas: i'm trying to get it... but the picture looks like the old one
trashed20: its a picture of saturn under the moon in mongolia
trashed20: try this
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0202/mongoliamoon_staiger.jpg
OverripeBananas: ok
OverripeBananas: that's sooo awesome
OverripeBananas: tahnk you... now you gave me the moon too
OverripeBananas: that's really cool of you to do
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0201/volcanoaurora2_shs.jpg
trashed20: thats an icelandic volcanic eruption with the auroras at the same time
OverripeBananas: wow
OverripeBananas: I want some
OverripeBananas: wow... we're coming back tomorrow.
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0201/m2-9_hst_big.jpg
trashed20: thats a butterfly nebula
OverripeBananas: I want one of those too...
OverripeBananas: this is so awesome
trashed20: :-)
OverripeBananas: almost as good as the real thing
OverripeBananas: it's as close as I'll ever get...
OverripeBananas: thanx
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0110/anticrepuscular_britton_big. jpg
OverripeBananas: how come there aren't these kind of things in canton?
trashed20: hehe :-) it just isn't fair is it?
OverripeBananas: not at all
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0202/orion_gendler_big.jpg
OverripeBananas: they're getting prettier
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0202/m78_aao_big.jpg
OverripeBananas: :-)
OverripeBananas: :D
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0201/earthrise_apollo8_big.gif
OverripeBananas: that's super duper cool
OverripeBananas: it's awesome in fact
trashed20: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0112/ngc7023_lula_big.jpg
OverripeBananas: cool man
OverripeBananas: that's neat-o
trashed20: i thought so
OverripeBananas: you did?
trashed20: yeah
OverripeBananas: yeah
OverripeBananas: so......
trashed20: are you okay?
trashed20: you seem kinda down
OverripeBananas: fine thanx
OverripeBananas: why?
trashed20: you seem kinda down
OverripeBananas: I'm not down at all... I'm very up
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: brb
OverripeBananas: ok, i'n here again
OverripeBananas: i'm*
trashed20: cool
OverripeBananas: yeah
trashed20: so what time are you guys coming home tomorrow?
OverripeBananas: we're leaving before one
trashed20: cool
OverripeBananas: sharon needs the computer... I gtg now
trashed20: ok
OverripeBananas: but I'll see you tomorrow or wednesday
trashed20: see you later
OverripeBananas: peace