Upgrade Project

I cut back on my Upgrade project due to lack of funds. My main priority was to replace the 850Mb drive which was causing most of my crashes, and corrupting data. Inspection revealed a puncture in the silver tape seal on one side of the drive cavity. I took the opportunity to upgrade to windows 95, so an extra 16mb Simm was also purchased. I had backed up stuff to my original 220mb drive. My new drive was a WD 5.1 Gigabyte model, at the same price as a WD 3.1 GB EIDE model. Since I used an older 486 with the on-board controller I needed the EZ drive software to support this large of a hard drive. Eventually I got the new hard drive up and running with windows 95 loaded. Now the problem. My device manager showed a yellow warning for the ESDI controller and drives. This was revealed by the performance TAB as MS-DOS compatability Mode Paging on all the drive letters, meaning I could not enable the 32bit transfer mode. In the Windows Topic help This is attributed to Win95 not being able to replace an original driver in config.sys with a Windows 95 version driver, but there wasn't anything in the config to cause this, as everything had been remarked out prior. Checking the Hard drive manual again, it appeared I was going to have to reformat and use FDisk to enable 32bit transfers. I cleaned up the 220Mb slave drive to prepare for backing it up. Then I decided to see if I could fix my problem by using EZ drive on the 220mb drive since it was also a Caviar model. Enabling EZ drive for this model didn't fix the compatability mode paging, but it did fudge the boot up information so all the information I had backed up to it was replaced by an earlier incarnation of data on the drive, including a failed LINUX installation. It was as if I had performed an Unformat operation. I tried different things to get all my backed up data back. Finally, pissed off at the whole thing, I set the CMOS settings for the Second drive to NONE. Upon rebooting Win95 my MS-DOS Compatibility mode problem went away... The lesson is that the Windows95 IOS setup will put a turnequet on your neck to stop a cut on your chin from bleeding. In this case the Chin was the old hardrive incapable of current LBA Translating schemes, and the Neck is the hard drive controller that has to deal with both the primary master and the primary slave drives.
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