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Dear readers!

This is a translation of a brochure compiled and edited by
Maulana Sarfaraz Awan, Imam of main mosque Defence Lahore

Today our whole nation is feeling insecure. Killings, thefts, robberies, terrorism, problems, anxieties, restlessness and diseases have captured us badly. To get away from these circumstances and for the full protection against such venerable conditions we need to turn to ALLAH ALMIGHTY. The best way to turn to Allah is to obey his orders and to present him our problems.

Hazrat Muhammad (       ) has treated DUA as a permanent virtue.

‘Supplication (du'a') is itself the worship. (He then recited:) "And your Lord said: Call on Me, I will answer you" (xI.60)’.

let us, considering the promise of Allah, make dua our daily practice. We can come into Allah’s protection by doing only this.

Do make it a point that dua should not be "recited", it should be begged for, prayed for. Because the best of dua is from the depth of one’s heart.

Dua not only is a solution to our problems, it is also the show of ..?

According to hadith an angel is appointed by Allah so that whenever someone says the following words three times he (The Angel) responds by saying: "No doubt, The Most Merciful has focused all his attention towards you. Ask of Him whatever you please."   


O Most Merciful of all those who sho mercy!

( 3 times)


Rasoolullah () once heard a person calling Allah by this Great Name of His:

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O Possessor of Majesty and   Benevolence !

(3 times)

Rasoolullah () remarked: "Surely your Duas will be granted. Ask of Allah whatever you wish."

After reciting the great names of Allah then recite the Darood Sahrif because it is advised in Hadith for the fulfillment of Dua.


 Oh Allah! Bestow your special mercy and peace and shower your blessings upon our Master Muhammad(SAW) (        ) and his decedents. In a way to your liking, in a quantity you like.

Now begin Dua by reciting:

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I seek protection by the excellent words of Allah from injuries caused by His creation.

(3 times)

In Hadith it is stated that whoever recites this dua in the evening, no harmull insect will bite him throughout the night.


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I seek Allah's protection from the accursed Shaytaan ie. from his breath, evil thoughts and evil promptings.

(3 Times)

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(I begin the day) in the Name of Allah by whose name nothing on earth and heavens can cause harm. He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

(3 times)


Next recite Surah Akhlas, Surah Falq, Surah Nas 3 times each. it is stated in Hadith that whoever recites the above stated sura's it will be enough for every thing.


It is stated in Hadith that the person who recites the above words seven (7) times in the morning and in the evening, Allah will assist him / her in all the matters of concern.

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(7 Times)

Allah is the best guardian and he is most mersifull.


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O The Ever-Living, The Eternall We fervently invoke Your mercy so that You may set aright all my affairs and may not leave me to myself for the twinkling of an eye.

(3 Times)

I declare the purity of Allah together with His praises in numbers equivalent to His Creatures, in a manner befitting His pleasure in weight equal to his Throne and in quantities equal to the ink of His words.

(7 times)

By reciting the above mentioned words in the morning and evenings we can give ourselves, our property, our belongings and our children into the protection of Allah and one thing is for sure

He is the best guardian