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Develop Your Own Console Applications

The first thing is to get the source and library needed to compile a Consle Application.

To make a new Console Application, create a new 'Win32 Application Project', be sure to check the platforms 'Win32 (WCE MIPS)' and 'Win32 (WCE SH)'.
You need to include the library conslib.lib in your proyect. In the 'Project Settings' Dialog Box, in the link tab coose Input in the Category field, and add 'conslib.lib' in the 'Object/library modules' field. Also add the path to this library in the 'Additonal library paths:'.

In your source code, you have to:

  • include the 'conslib.h' header file.
  • create a function 'Main' as your main entrance function.

Here is the "Hello world!" sample source code:

#include <conslib.h>
#include <tchar.h>

TCHAR AppName[] = TEXT("Hello") ;

int Main( DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] )
    Cputs( TEXT("Hello World") ) ;
    return 0 ;

Take your time to look inside conslib.h and find all the functions you can use. Also see the 'mem.c' and 'cecalc.c' as examples.

Site Maintained by Daniel A. Francesch

This page was last updated on February 03, 1998

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