Shusha FAQ
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What can be done using Shusha?

What is Shusha Keyboard layout?

What are the languages supported?

How to get it? - Free Download.

How to install and use Shusha?

Will it take long to learn the "Shusha" keyboard layout?

What is BharatBhasha?

What is SSCII?

Can I prepare the application front-ends in Indian Languages?

How can I write Web (HTML) pages in Shusha?

Character that I type in MS-Word change once I type space.

Why this system?

When was Shusha system developed?

Does it work on Linux?

What languages are supported for working on Computers?

At present it supports Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Gurmukhi and Bangla on Windows and Linux.

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What can be done using this?

You can do followings:

Prepare Indian language front-ends for the applications,
Prepare HTML pages, and
Prepare Windows DeskTop in Indian languages.

Given below are the "screen captures" of some of these. Please click on the underlined text to see them.

Indian language applications front-ends ,
HTML pages, and
Windows DeskTop in Indian languages.

At present the above can be done in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Gurmukhi and Bangla.

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What is SSCII?

To work on window based applications we need the Indian language scripts in computer usable form. This should be such that when you change fonts the characters should remain same only the typeface should change. SSCII is the proposed standard to facilitate working on Window based applications without any additional Program or  Hardware or TSR/DLL file running in the background. This has evolved after a careful study of the scripts - Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, and Bangla. Let me mention the advantages of this proposed set of standards: 

It is a complete standard listing out the full 255 keys.
It is similar for the above languages so that the text typed in one language can be converted into the other language. This compatibility will be maintained to the extent possible when it is extended to other languages in future.
It can support development of Application Software, Writing of Hypertext etc.. In fact a number of developers have started using it and packages in Indian languages for Accounting and Inventory and other applications are being developed. Some of these are already in the market. 
Using this system is very simple for those knowing the QWERTY keyboard as there is near "zero" time required for "learning curve". I have seen people picking it up in less than 10 minutes even when they saw it for the first time. As it incorporates features of "Graphic", "Phonetic" and "Roman Indian" systems.

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What is Shusha Keyboard layout?

"Shusha" is not just true a type font but it is also a system of keyboard layout. I call this layout Roman Indian. In this system you just type "papa" to write "papa" in Hindi and "AaAao" ("come" in Hindi) is "AaAao".

It is mentioned that remembering two keyboards -one for English and another one for Indian language is very difficult. Problem is further compounded if you have to work in more than one Indian language. Under the Shusha system, as explained below, the keys have been mapped so that you have to remember only one keyboard.

The Shusha keyboard is very much the Standard English keyboard and normally no stickers need be fixed, as the system is very simple to remember. If one is familiar with keyboard and knows Hindi it will only take about time to know this system of typing. Most character are mapped on to their English equivalents/near equivalents, e.g., sa is "sa" sa and ca is "ch" ca etc.. One has to learn the "matrain"; "choti ee" i  (i.e., i ) is "small I" and is typed before the next character and "badi ee"  I (i.e., I ) is "Capital I" and is typed after the character on which they apply as can be seen in the above Hindi sentence where we have typed "ihndI" to write "ihndI" in devnagiri. kumaar is typed as "kumaar". Matrain for chota and bada "Oo" (i.e., ] & }) are mapped to small & capital U. Detailed character mapping is in file Key_bd_all.doc included with the zipped files.

The key maps for the different languages can also be seen from the links below:






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Will it take long to learn the "Shusha" keyboard layout?

If you are familiar with the QWERTY keyboard and one of the supported Indian languages then you will be able to learn Shusha layout in minutes. The keyboard layout is included in the different ZIP files as Key_bd_?.doc file. This system will not require you to learn/remember two keyboards. Please see the key maps.

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Can I prepare the application front-ends in Indian Languages ?

Yes. Please download the "Proof of Concept" files into a directory and unzip them. Please also unzip the in the same directory. You may then run the different executable files. You can see the "screen captures" of these Indian language (Hindi, Marathi and Gujrati) application front-ends in. Source code of a multi-lingual software prepared in Visual-Basic -5 can be downloaded to see how one can prepare Multilingual Application Packages. This illustrates one of the ways of preparing multi-lingual software. It is advised that this application is used as in illustration. Developers are suggested to use "arrays" while preparing applications.

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How can I write Web (HTML) pages in Shusha?

Writing web pages in Hindi is as easy as writing them in English. Prepare your web pages in your favorite editor and use the <font> and </font> tags to specify the fonts. To write them in Hindi just choose FACE="Shusha". The words in Hindi (AaAao ihndI maoM ilaKoM.) will be written for the web pages as given below.

<FONT SIZE=6 FACE="Shusha">AaAao ihndI maoM ilaKoM.</FONT>

You have to install "Shusha" true type fonts before trying to browse these pages. This can easily be loaded on any windows based computer and can be used in any software, MS-Office, Lotus SmartSuit etc..

 See the HTML pages in Hindi and Gujrati.

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Character that I type in MS-Word change once I press space bar.

MS-Word has a feature called "Auto Correct". This changes the small letters typed at the beginning of the sentence to capital letters. Please disable this feature to use it in MS-Word. Use - Tools-AutoCorrect and then remove check-marks from the check-boxes.

Download a complete "HowTo" (Size 289 KB) for using Shusha in Windows.

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How to install and use Shusha?

Copy the different zip files into a directory and then unzip them. Use Winzip or Pkunzip. Each of these files has a readme.txt file. Please read it. The TTF files can be installed as under:

Control Panel-Fonts-File-Install New Font..

You can then use them in any application by choosing the font as Shusha, Shivaji01, Vakil_01, Sandhu01 and Shymal01 to work in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Gurmukhi and Bangla respectively.

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Why this system?

One has to be familiar with the keyboard to be able to type on a computer. It is not very difficult to remember one keyboard layout and most people working on computers are familiar with it. Problem comes when you have to remember two keyboards one to type in English and another to type in Hindi. Remembering two keyboards is really difficult and confusing for most of the users. As a result of this they often keep working only in English.

"Shusha" uses the English keyboard for mapping Hindi alphabets. Hindi characters are mapped to their corresponding English equivalents/near equivalents. As a result a major part of the layout is obvious to most people who know Hindi and are familiar with English keyboard. They have to remember only a few keys. This system would enable anyone knowing English keyboard and Hindi language to be able to learn Hindi typing in a short time.

It has been freely made available on the Internet since March 1997. It is observed that people who know the QWERTY keyboard and any of the above Indian Languages take no time to learn this system.

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When was Shusha system developed?

Initial beta version for working n Hindi was developed in Dec '95. The system was in use within a closed group for about a year or so. Since March 1997 it has been available over the INTERNET for free use.

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Does it work on Linux?

Yes. It works on Linux also.

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Please mail me your feedback or any question you have on this.