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Balvihar is run by the Chinmaya Mission. Participation in biweekly Balvihar programme is free of charge.

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Boulder Balvihar:

                           Boulder Balvihar is an informal  group for the children of Indian parents, who would like

their kids to learn about Indian Culture.


                          All activities are done on voluntary basis. This center is active for last eight years.

                          There are more than 25 Balvihar family members. 


We are conveniently located at North Boulder.




Chinmaya Mission:

Following information is from the book "MY PRAYERS":

We train up children and inculcate into them a reverence for our ancient culture, an aspiration to live up to it and a correct understanding of the implication of our immortal philosophy.

We try to create in them self-confidence to serve and to rightly act in cheerfulness, generate in them a true affection in all their contacts, inculcate in them some personal discipline, and a true spirit of leadership.

We train their capacity to express themselves and to assert their individuality.

We seek your co-operation to give our growing children a healthier intellectual and physical climate, where they can grow with noble ideals, healthy emotions and physical discipline.



General Goals:

                        *   Leadership roles for children

                        *   Learn Gayatri Mantra

                        *   Learn/Relearn Guru Strotam

                        *   Lead Bhajans and understand their meanings

                        *   Celebrate religious and cultural festivals 



 Balvihar Routine:

                              We meet alternate Sundays at North Boulder at 10.30am.  

      10.30am to 11.00am ---  Shanti Path, Gayatri Mantra, Bhajans.

      11.00am to 11:30am --- Story telling with active participationn from the children. Stories are typically from

                                           ancient Indian mythology. 

      11:30am to 11:40am --- Stretching and relaxation <

      11.40am to 12.15pm ---  Children are divided into groups according to their age. The group activities are

                                            age-appropriate and are meant to teach about India, her culture, history, 

                                            geography etc. Group activities are conducted by parent volunteers.

      12.15pm to 12.30pm --- Aarti.

      12.30pm to 1.00pm --- Prasad



                            If you have any questions or want to know more about us, please send an e-mail to: atopkar@yahoo.com  


Last updated May 03, 2000

Copyright © 2000 Boulder Balvihar. All rights reserved.