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I am michael. I believe that what makes up "who" a person is, is what they believe and believe to "know." To give a partial definition to what my beliefs are, I would use the following words:
latitudinarian -- definition here.
positivist -- def. here.
materialist -- 2nd def. 2nd meaning here.
atheist -- def. here.
I believe that I have a much more correct view of the world than at least 99% of the population. I believe that what I see, is pretty much what is "really" there. I believe that it is 99.99999% likely that there is no god/gods. I believe that all moral basis of "right" and "wrong" stem from me, and that what I feel is right, IS right, and what I feel is wrong, IS wrong. I believe in matter and the observable, if you can't observe it then it does not exist, for it can never affect matter, and therefore it does not matter.
As interests I enjoy reading, debate, philosophizeing, thinking, designing, building, painting, sculpting, watching movies, listen-music, draw, caving, biking, swiming, hi-tech gadgets, being "Right," knowing the "Truth," mispelling, using bad grammar, building web-pages, working with computers, and general playing along with many other things that I have not mentioned.
Now for the personal stuff. Currently(7-25-99) I am 18 years old, and will soon be entering northern arizona univercity, this coming august. I have lived in Bisbee, AZ all my life. That's south-eastern arizona for you northerners. Our house was started when I was 3 days old, and was finished when I was 8 years old. The area where my house was is pretty rural, our closest neighbors are a hundred meters away, blocked from view by 20 foot high wall of desert broom.
My mom got divorced from my dad when I was 6, and I havn't seen him since. My mom is still sort of bitter at having to raise two kids by herself, without any support from dad. On a teacher's salary, no less! My brother is a year and a half younger than me, but since he was always the only one around to play with and talk to, we are like twins, except we don't fight as much as any other siblings we know. We have developed "the philosophy" together and both share nearly identical views. The difference is that he is more scientific and I am more philosophical. My brother has had the greatest effect on my life.
My mother has had the second most. She is much more understanding about kids doing adventurous and dangerous things. She let us do all sorts of things that most parents would certainly frown on. She gave my brother and I, the chance to "think outside the box," to not be held in and limited by social stigmas and silly customs. She took us to many kinds of church to give us a feel for religion, not a very strong emphasis on blind faith. She read lots of stories to me and read childrens bibles. My mom was not very religious, we never went to church, except for about ten times, to all different churches. She believed in a god, not like most christians, but a much more mild view, which she tried to pass on to us. She gave me the myth of santa claus.
In school, I would not fall into any of the social classes, preps, christians, jocks, stoners, vampires, gang-bangers. I am really in a separate category, maybe "scientific-philosophical-semi-prep-mini-atholete," but I don't wear prep clothes, I wear comfortable cloths, and walk comfortably, and wear running shoes. I don't participate in school sports but am a medium compared with anyone in those sports. I have friends in every category. I am really more of an antisocial-type person. Not to toot my own horn, but I am good at everything, I am 98% best at everything, but am not the best at anything, except engineering design.