Here's what's new at c-guide:-):
9/04/00 Updated the site with more links, and seperated the sub-categories into groups. You will also notice that some of the site lists have been alphabeticalized and that the Logo has been altered a little to be more descriptive. The Message Board has also been taken down because of its unpopularity. Also be sure to visit our new sponsor: The China Exchange. You can get your name translated into Chinese at their website! Why not take a look? Look out for this ad:
-From the Webmaster
7/08/00 Updated the site with new sub-categories and links. Happy Surfing!
-From the Webmaster
4/30/00 The number of links in c-guide:-) have nearly doubled, and the dead links have also all been deleted (hopefully). There are also new sub-categories. Check them out for yourself! c-guide:-) is now also in the SiliconValley and Geocities Webrings, and you can see them when you click the 'Webrings' link. Stay tuned for even more links in c-guide:-)!
-From the Webmaster
1/07/00 The Message Board is all ready! Start posting your questions. The "Today's Technology Headlines" section on the front page has also gotten new sources.
-From the Webmaster
1/05/00 Get ready for new stuff at c-guide:-)! Things to watch out for: Computer/Internet Questions Message Board, more links in the categories and the sub-categories, a user "start" page. The message board should be ready in less than a month. It may be a long time before the others are ready. c-guide may be in the SiliconValley and Geocities Webrings in the near future. So far nobody has found the "bouncing egg", why don't you try to find it. Remember to click on it when you see it!
-From the Webmaster
12/02/99 Tweaked out the bugs.
-From the Webmaster
11/28/99 All categories and sub-categories have been updated with new links, and all dead links have been deleted. Whole site has been redesigned (Home page is less cluttered). New sub-category (Computer Games) in the Computer Info Guide. New categories: Announcement page, Index, and Selected Featured Merchants. c-guide:-), as of now, is not in the Official Geocities GeoGuide Webring anymore. Stay tuned for more announcements!
-From the Webmaster