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CNC MachineNet


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Roger - 12/09/00 19:28:01
My Email:harleybagger@hotmail.com
Hi, I need to know the depth for a 1/8-27 bspp metric pipe tap? Thanks for any information Roger

bill bernhard - 11/11/00 21:38:26
My Email:bsbernha@bellsouth.net
I'm looking for suggestions on a material to support thin walled parts for machining.Something with a low melting point, that can be removed with little or no residue would be perfect.

Dan - 10/18/00 19:56:13
My URL:http://svmicro.com
My Email:Dan@svmicro.com
We are a small high-tech company located in sunny West Palm Beach, Florida. We are curently looking for EXPERIENCED CNC operators and programmers. You need to be able to set up and operate CNC "L" type Citizen Swiss lathes to make piece parts for connecto s from engineering drawings. Small parts--close dimensional tolerances. The wages and benefits we offer are great. If you are looking for a fresh start in a tropical climate, this is your chance. West Palm Beach offers an affordable cost of living, good s hools, great fishing, boating and water sports, universities, concerts, MLB, and much, much more. If this is something for you, please send me an e-mail with your phone number so I can contact you promptly. Thanks.

CorwinBallard - 10/17/00 13:18:43
My Email:CorwinBallard@Hotmail.com
I work for Atlas Machine Products in Houston, TX. We are currently in need of mill work. If anyone has some jobs they need done please check us out at www.Atlasinc.com. We do High quality close tolerance work. Ask for Charlie or Corwin.

riyajahamad - 10/12/00 17:45:31
My Email:riyaj_kaji@rediffmail.com
any one tell me, can i edit ladder of my fanuc o system cnc machine how?

meng - 10/12/00 10:32:30
My Email:amrbasha@aucegypt.edu
what is the approximate percentage of manufacturing plants in the U.S that utilize some form of NC.

Carlos Orihuela - 09/01/00 14:22:13
My Email:corihuela1@omnisky.net
I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has experience programming a Cincom l6/20 turning center. I am a student who is trying to learn the CNC language. If anyone has training information or can answer some basic questions I would greatly app eciate it. Thank you for your time.

Brian Bonner - 07/17/00 20:36:15
My URL:http://www.hometown.aol.com/cetsfss/myhomepage/business.html
My Email:cetsfss@aol.com
We have a huge inventory of carbide inserts and replacement parts for toolholders and boring bars. We have just about everybrand on the market. Please visit our homepage or e-mail your request to Brian.

Patrick Kari - 07/10/00 17:18:14
My URL:http://www.citizenswissconsulting.com
My Email:csc mn1@aol.com
I have over 15 years of CNC Swiss application experience and will provide you with a custom tailored package complete with program, toolpath documentation, and recommended tooling for your specific job. Free quotes!

Mac - 03/13/00 06:42:29
My URL:http://www.acumac.com
This site was stolen from Mac Maynard of Mac's Machine Repair..acumac.com, She has nothing to do with the Machine Tool business!You will get nothing here! Mac

Karen - 03/10/00 00:34:25
My Email:Kgarcia01@hotmail.com
How do I find a school or a class to teach me to use a lathe, and to work an electronic cnc?

Wayne - 03/09/00 05:00:20
My Email:wcarey@webtv.net
Start a second shift? Advice? We are thinking of starting a second shift in our machine shop. What sort of problems are encountered? (please be specific). What advice would you offer? Thanks for your help Wayne

Wayne - 03/09/00 04:59:23
My Email:wcarey@webtv.net
Start a second shift? Advice? We are thinking of starting a second shift in our machine shop. What sort of problems are encountered? (please be specific). What advice would you offer? Thanks for your help Wayne

Rick Christman - 03/01/00 20:26:30
My Email:rchristman@longs.com
We are looking for a new source of 28# baracore bleedboard material, (MDF), to use on our CNC router tables. We now use 1 1/8" x 61" x 109". Our last source (International Paper) discontinued this division. Any help would greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rick Christman Longs Drugs Fixture Shop Benicia, CA

YAOHUSHUA - 02/19/00 07:47:42
My URL:http://www.YAUHUSHUA.org.
My Email:Gamulya@usa.net
Y A O H Ú S H U A FACTS SHOCKING BUT TRUE! 1. The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is 'YAO-HOO' and that of the genuine Messiah is 'YAO-HOO-SHUA.' (accented on the syllable 'hoo') 2. Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other name under heaven given to men for salvation except: 'YAOHÚSHUA' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures. 3. Whoever calls upon the Name of 'YAOHÚSHUA' shall be saved from all the curses and penalties of sin, such as poverty, diseases, failures, bankruptcies, losses, earthquakes, wars, frustrations, AIDS, torment, insanity, family breakdowns, rebellions, divorces, tragedies, natural catastrophes, violence, death and hell - Deuteronomy 28, Holy Scriptures. 4. All have sinned and come short of the glory of YÁOHU UL, the Holy One of Israel; and the wages of sin is death. That's why unless a person is spiritually REBORN, he cannot enter the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL! - John 3:3, Holy Scriptures. (pronounced: yao-hoo ool, accented on the syllable 'yao') 5. For YÁOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! - John 3:16, Holy Scriptures 6. Salvation is a FREE GIFT of YÁOHU UL, out of the richness of His grace, not of works. No one shall be acquitted in YÁOHU UL's sight by obedience to the law, for to break a single command in the law of Moses is the same as breaking all of them! - Ephesians 2:8-9 and James 2:10, New Testament, Holy Scriptures. 7. And this is life eternal: that you may know YÁOHU UL, the only true Creator and the Messiah Whom He sent - YAOHÚSHUA! - John 17:3, Holy Scriptures 8. YAOHÚSHUA is the only Way, the Truth and the Life; no one can approach the Father, YÁOHU UL, except through the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA alone! All you have to do is to believe in His Name, make and receive the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA in your heart as your one and only individual life Ruler and Savior! Now is your time to repent, believe and trust the genuine Messiah YAOHÚSHUA to save you! - John 14:6, 1:12-13, Holy Scriptures 9. YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah died in your behalf, as your personal Substitute, and He personally suffered the penalties of all your sins! All you must now do is to believe and receive all the benefits of His redemptive work, it's that easy and simple. All your sins were already forgiven when the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA took on Himself all the penalties of your sins, and the only thing you must do now is to REPENT then believe, receive and personally appropriate for yourself all the eternal benefits of His total, complete redemption! 10. Our Creator-Head exists in a TRIUNE Eternal Nature: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 'Triune' means three fully-united Eternal Beings. - 1 John 5:7, Holy Scriptures 11. You must not use the most-reverend, original Name of YÁOHU UL disrespectfully nor irreverently. You will not escape YÁOHU UL GABOR's punishment if you do. - Exodus 20:7, Holy Scriptures 12. The most-revered Name of our Creator-Head was CHANGED when the Hebrew 'Holy Scriptures' was translated into different languages and dialects; thus, the Name of our Creator and His Messiah was CHANGED into DIFFERENT names of various pagan and cultic idols! Be sure you are not relying on fake creators and false messiahs! Beware! It's your life and only soul at risk! Prepare for eternity now! Discover truths that will set you free! Truths long ignored by many and which only the original Messiah YAOHÚSHUA can reveal to honest seekers of truth! YAOHÚSHUA is the Truth! YAOHÚSHUA is the genuine Messiah and no one else! He can really save, deliver, heal, protect, prosper and help you! Remember, THERE IS NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men for salvation except this Name above every name: YAOHÚSHUA! Salvation is found in no other name, repeat, no other name! Call or write soonest for your free literature which reveal clear, obvious yet ignored facts in the Holy Scriptures (Biblia Hebraica)! "'YÁOHU' - this is My Name forever by which I am to be called and remembered from generation to generation!" - Exodus 3:15, Holy Scriptures 'Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other name under heaven given to men for salvation except the Name: YAOHÚSHUA!' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures For further enlightening revelation knowledge, please avail of the following HTML or TEXT guidelines soonest: Titles Filenames 'YAO-HOO-SHUA - The Messiah' YAOHUSH.TXT 'YAOHÚSHUA - The Healer and Exorcist' HEALER.TXT 'Messiah's Qualifications' QUALI.TXT 'Free Gift Especially for You!' GIFTS.TXT 'YAOHÚSHUA in the Triune Eternal' TRIUNE.TXT 'How to Deal With Your Authorities' AUTHOR.TXT 'The YAOHÚSHUA Exposes!' FALSE.TXT These are some of the most-important guidelines you'll ever read in your entire life! Next to the Holy Scriptures, of course. So quickly avail of all these highly-revealing guidelines now for your spiritual awakening and growth! These guidelines are available in HTML, TEXT and ZIP compressed format at the following Internet sites: ============================ Home WWW URL: http://www.YAUHUSHUA.org/index.html E-mail Address: YAOHUSHUA@email.msn.com At the mention of the Name: YAOHÚSHUA, every knee must bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, to the glory of YÁOHU UL in heaven! Contact us now at this E-Mail address: YAOHUSHUA@CompuServe.Com Do it now! Every knee must bow at this Name: Y A O H Ú S H U A ! Y A O H Ú S H U A - the authentic Name above every name! Whoever calls upon the Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' shall be saved! Search for the TRUTH, and the truth shall set you free! Y A O H Ú S H U A - the only hope in this world! Believe and receive Him now! All this is given to you in true love and deep humility, 'beh hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, amnów! === End of File ===

Guy - 02/15/00 01:42:30

Harri Simola - 02/10/00 18:55:14
My URL:http://lpt.fi/~hsimola/lm.htm
My Email:hsimola@lpt.fi
I am looking for shareware file transfer program for mazatrol t1 . Could you help ?

Guy - 01/27/00 23:54:28
My Email:warology@prodigy.net
I have not been at this very long and Im stuck.I need to make double lead threads with two intrance and two exit points 180 deg. apart. Thanks

Guy - 01/27/00 23:53:14
My Email:warology@prodigy.net
I have not been at this very long and Im stuck.I need to make double lead threads with two intrance and two exit points 180 deg. apart. Thanks

David - 12/11/99 23:20:34
My Email:ddsellars
Looking for a good choice in small to med. size CNC mills. We need to prototype small complex shaped and precision items. Basically XYZ 18x8x5" travels. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, David

Donald Mason - 12/04/99 03:38:14
My Email:DMEngineer@aol.ocm
Retiring owner seeking expedient sale of his corporation, which manufactures quality styrofoam patterns for the automotive tool and die industry. Company has blanket purchase order with the General Motors Corporation, and is located in an affluent suburb f Detroit, Michigan. Additional services: visual aids (model mock-up), CNC cutterpaths, CNC cutting, computerized templates, CNC model cutting and fixture programming. Complete equipment list available upon request. The plant is fully equipped with CAD/CA systems and a well-trained work force. Plant is 18,700 sq. ft. Lot value: $335,708. Best Offer: current offer $750,000.

Scott - 09/02/99 20:54:19
My Email:mastermind1@mindspring.com
Does anyone know how to reprogram the machine ladder program of a Fanuc 3T CNC?

Johnny - 08/15/99 23:06:56
My Email:Johnny72@prodigy.net
I'm looking for any kind of free or beta version programing software for cnc lathes, or a site that may have free or beta versions(not demos) If anyone knows of any, please E-Mail me. Thanks

Wojciech Gorski - 06/02/99 08:25:19
My Email:wgorski@cto.gda.pl
Anybody can help in finding some info about upgrading (adding the numerical control) the ship model milling machine B10 made by Remers Cheers

René Schneider - 03/05/99 14:39:47
My Email:sigab@pc.mdlink.de
Very good site ! I am from Germany and active in the CNC repair and spare part business - wish that we would have such great information systems over here.

Bob - 01/19/99 17:27:47
My Email:bullit1010@aol.com
I'm looking for info. on any technics used in cnc wooding industry Thanks

ART ODOM - 11/11/98 13:39:04

Mac Maynard - 04/19/98 22:08:55
My URL:http://www.acumac.com
My Email:acumac@acumac.com
Seems to be a cool site! You can get whatever you want here!

Deb VonWagner - 04/24/99 22:23:25
My URL:CNC MachineNet Home
My Email:valley@dnai.com

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