sspotlogo.gif (5830 bytes)

sspotline.gif (2128 bytes)

Visit my PERSONAL Homepage "Sunspot"

Welcome to "Sunspot Background Sets" All sets are FREE for personal web page usage and designed by me, Suney. Please read the usage terms if you choose any of my sets and follow the instructions below for 'saving'. I hope you find something you like!

Please save images you use to your own computer. Do not link directly back to this site. I ask that you credit me somewhere on your page. A text line is fine or you can use one of my logos below and link to this page. If you use any of the designs please notify me so I can take a peek. I'd love to see how it turned out :)

How to Download:

  • Move your cursor over the graphic. 

  • Right click with the mouse. 

  • Choose Save this Image As. 

  • Click on Save and OK button to save the image. 

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Background Sets Index

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Email ME
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Users Links

Link Button
A text link is ok too

            sspotcredit.gif (2308 bytes)             

Link to:
*note* Most sets have customized credit buttons

Other Great Graphics Sites to try:
Laurel's Designs
Kathie's Web Graphics

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*Note - concerning graphics I did not make*
None of the images I've used in making my sets are copyrighted to the best of my knowledge. If you find any coyrighted material, please let me know so I may remove it from the collection or obtain permission to include it here.

Borders and Buttons designed by Sunspot Backgrounds
Copyright© 1998