Full Name:
James Zachary Pong Chern Ning.
Nick Names:
James Zacxyl, Dragonslayer, Excalibur, Val Kilmer, Nanami Hiroshi, Jean Michel
June 9, 1980.
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Sun in Gemini, Moon in Taurus.
Current Advanced Diploma student in Computer Science.
Current Home:
Taman Ria, Klang, Selangor.
Marital Status:
Present Transportation:
Future Transportation:
Ferrari F-50 or TVR Chimera.
I stay at home to watch:
Friends, That 70's Show, X-Files, Dragonball Z, Stargate SG-1, Late Show with David Letterman, music videos, football matches and Formula One racing.
Favourite pigout food:
Lotta Tortilla chips, ice cream, chocolates, candies.
Favourite drink:
Coke®, Cherry Coke®, Coffee Bean's Ice Blended Mocha®, Cappucchino.
Favourite way to kill time:
Hang out with friends, surf the Internet, chatting on IRC, play PC games, and watch TV.
Prized Possession:
Nothing for the moment.
Personal heroes:
Val Kilmer, Zinedane Zidane and Martina Hingis.
Every New Year's I resolve:
To be completely different from who I am.
Nobody knows that I'm:
A communist.
I wish I could stop:
Growing older.
I'd give anything to meet Steve McManaman:
He is the greatest ever footballer.
My fantasy is:
My gal and I get on a plane, fly to Paris, see a fashion show, have a great lunch, take a train to Venice, enjoy sightseeing on a gondola, take a bus to Milan, watch a football match, have a romantic candle light dinner, rent a room in a hotel, swim in the pool at night while having refreshing cool drinks, then get back to the hotel room, and when the light goes out...
One thing I can't stand is:
My stupid dogs barking incessantly.
If I could change one thing about myself, I would:
Wanna live eternity.
Three words that best describe me:
Sarcastic, self-fish and blissful.