

Applying Model Intelligence Frameworks for Deployment Problem in Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Position paper for Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTES’'06) Workshop at ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Genova, Italy.


There are many application domains, such as distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems, where the domain constraints are so restrictive and the solution spaces so large that it is infeasible for modelers to produce correct solution manually using a conventional graphical model-based approach. In DRE systems the available resources, such as memory, CPU, and bandwidth, must be managed carefully to ensure a certain level of quality of service. This paper provides three contributions to simplify modeling of complex application domains: (1) we present our approach of combining model intelligence and domain- specific solvers with model-driven engineering (MDE) environments, (2) we show techniques for automatically guiding modelers to correct solu- tions and how to support the specification of large and complex systems using intelligent mechanisms to complete partially specified models, and (3) we present the results of applying an MDE tool that maps software components to Electronic Control Units (ECUs) using the typical auto- motive modeling and middleware infrastructure.

PDF file: models06ws6.pdf

Workshop: "MDD for Software Product-lines: Fact or Fiction?"

Workshop 9 at ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems


Key advantages of using model-driven development in conjunction with commonalityvariability analysis (CVA) are (1) rigorously capturing the key roles and responsibilities in a CVA and (2) helping automate repetitive tasks that must be accomplished for each product instance. Often, however, new customer requirements invalidate the results of earlier CVAs, such that a CVA and its derived meta-models, DSMLs, and generators must be modified invasively and intrusively to reflect these new requirements. The primary scope of this workshop will be on theory and methods to reduce the impact of the new unanticipated requiremetns on the (meta)models and model interpretes in order to improve the usability of model-based technologies in real-life large scale applications.

For more details pelase visit Workshop Home Page

Applying MDA and Component Middleware to Large-scale Distributed Systems: A Case Study

Position paper for First European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Application University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.


Despite advances in hardware and software technologies, it remains challenging to develop large-scale distributed systems that are correct, efficient, and flexible. Some challenges arise from increasingly demanding end user requirements for quality and functionality. Other challenges arise from complexities associated with integrating large-scale distributed systems composed of modular components. This paper provides two contributions to R&D efforts that address these challenges. First, it motivates the use of an integrated Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and component middleware approach to enhance the level of abstraction at which distributed systems are developed to (1) improve software quality and developer productivity and (2) reduce the complexity of component integration. Second, we present our experience gained applying MDA and compo-nent middleware software techniques to develop an Inventory Tracking System that monitors and controls the flow of goods and assets in warehouses. Our preliminary results show that using MDA tools and component middleware as the core elements of software composition leads to reduced development complexity, improved system maintainability, and increased developer productivity.

PDF file: ITS_MDA_short.pdf

CoSMIC: A MDA tool for Component Middleware-based Distributed Real-time and Embdedded Applications

Position paper for Generative Techniques in the context of Model Driven Architecture Workshop OOPSLA 2002


This paper presents three contributions to the challenges of applying the OMG Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to develop and deploy distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) applications. First, we motivate our MDA tool called CoSMIC, which is based on the Model Integrated Computing (MIC) paradigm that provides the intellectual foundation for MDA. Second, we describe how CoSMIC’s generative abilities can be used to configure and assemble DRE component middleware required to deploy DRE applications. Third, we delineate the challenges involved in developing CoSMIC. Based on our collective experience developing MIC tools and DRE middleware, we are confident that combining these two paradigms will yield significant advantages in developing model based DRE applications.

PDF file: mda_wkshp_OOPSLA02.pdf

Using Design Patterns to Improve Aspect Reusability and Dynamics

In proceedings to the First International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2002).
Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software.


After the first implementations of AOP languages allow developers to exercise in applying the idea of concern separation in OOP, it becomes clear that despite opening new possibilities for developers, aspects are still software entities with all related old problems like reusability, customizability and effectiveness. In addition, the need to be able to dynamically switch aspects on and off has also been realized.
This paper provides contribution to research in the field of theoretical background for effective aspect implementation and introduces the design pattern-based Detector framework as a way to improve aspect reusability and to add the possibility to dynamically add/remove aspect-related functionality in the applications.
This paper also motivates aspect type classification as control-flow and state- triggered and proposes a way to deal with both types in a similar way by separating aspectual condition detection and handling using Observer-based Detector framework.

Zipped MS Word Doc file: UsingDesignPatternsToImproveAspectReusabilityAndDynamics.doc.zip

