Tsinghua Alumni In Singapore As We Can List Out

Name                                            E-mail Address                                                     Phone

An  Wei                                        david_an@nt.com
Chen Mulong                                                                                                                   4842052  87488553
Chen Qu Fei  :                             Chenqf@csm.st.com.sg
Cheng Zhi Yuan(85)                    cheng_zhiyuan@nus.sg
Fan zhengzheng                           zzfan@krdl.org.sg
Fang Wei                                      mwfang@ntu.edu.sg
Gao Feng          (85)                    gaofeng@csm.st.com.sg
Gong Xue Song
Guan Chang,
Guan Wei                                    caoguan@pacific.net.sg                                                777-0926  8651873
He Can Zhong   (87)                    hecz@csm.st.com.sg
Hua Guang Ping                          huagp@csm.st.com.sg
Huang  Xiaohui                           huangxh@hpsgns1.sgp.hp.com
Li AiPing           (78)                    laiping@dso.org.sg
Li Wen Qiang    (82)                   liwq@csm.st.com.sg
Li Xia                (82)                    lixia@csm.st.com.sg
Li Xu Dong       (85)                    lixudong@cyberway.com.sg
Liu Fang            (87)                   P143231808@ntu.edu.sg
Liu Lian Jun       (86)                  lianjun@ime.org.sg
Liu Liu Sheng     (85)                  liuls@tritech.st.com.sg
Lou Li Min :                               loulm@csm.st.com.sg
Lu Yong Feng    (79)                  eleluyf@leonis.nus.edu.sg
Lu  Yuechuan                             eleluyc@leonis.nus.edu.sg
Pan Yang           (79)                  EYPan@ntu.edu.sg
Qin Ming Wei    (86)                 mwqin@ctlsg.creaf.com
Shao Hua           (80)                 Thua@msg.ti.com
Shi Hong                                    shihong@csm.st.com.sg
Sun Ping                                     sunping@starnet.gov.sg
Tang  Chi Bin      (86)               tangcb@yahoo.com
Ting Yu Jing        (79)               eting@otcs.okigrp.com.sg                                             770-7013,  5677055
Wang Hong Wei                        wanghw@tritech.st.com.sg
Wang Jianjiang                         westwjj@mail.dsi.nus.edu.sg
Wang Wen Yuan (87)               wangwy@csm.st.com.sg
Wang Xinbin                             xbwang@singnet.com.sg
Wang Yi Min:                           wangym@csm.st.com.sg
Wang  Yu            (85)                wangyu@csm.st.com.sg
Wang Zhaocheng (86)              wangzc@otcs.okigrp.com.sg
Wang Zhong Wei (86)
Wen  Jiang           (78)               wjiang@vse.seisea.com.sg
Wu Haijie                                  jiehong@rocketmail.com
Xie Wei                (79)               xwzjh@cyberway.com.sg
Xu Baoxi                                   dsixub@dsi.nus.edu.sg                                                    8748512
Xu Ping                (79)                Xu_Ping@notes.seagate.com                                        5696945   636641
Ye Gang                                    yegang@pacific.net.sg
Zhang QingXin     (92)              mqxzhang@ntu.edu.sg
Zhang  Tao          (86)               zhangtao@otcs.okigrp.com.sg
Zhang Yi              (85)               zhangyi@csm.st.com.sg
Zhao Hai Jun        (83)             zhao@msg.ti.com
Zhou Xing            (78)              exzhou@ntu.edu.sg

Appendix One:   Tsinghua Alumni in Singapore Which I found  on WWW
                           (The information maybe too old and just FYI)

Mr. Qi Yi, Lu (Modern Applied Physics 1983 - 1988)
Work:  135 Middle Road, #03-02 Byland Building
 Singapore 188976
Phone: Page: (H)
 3382256-582 (O)
Fax: 3394976
Email: luqiyi@pacific.net.sg
Time of update: Sat Feb  8 02:50:10 EST 1997

Mr. Ma, Wensheng (Automation 5 - 1994)
Home:  04-20, Block 137,
 Lorong 1A, Toa Payoh,
 Singapore 310137
Phone: 65-3562183 (H)
 65-2900365 (O)
Time of update: Thu Feb 15 06:11:04 EST 1996
Mr. qingbiao, meng (Automation 1983 - 1988)
Work:  1 Hillcrest Road,Singapore Telecommunication Ltd
 Singapore 288893
Home:  49A Chun Tin Road,Singapore 599623
Phone:  65 4693484 (H)
  65 46826778 (O)
Fax:  65 4679106
Email: qing_biao@camcable.co.uk
Time of update: Tue May  6 14:18:33 EDT 1997
Mr. Chen, yi (Automobile 1990 - 1995)
Work:  Singapore Tourist Promotion Board
 Tourism Court,Information System Department
 No.1 Orchard Spring Lane
Phone:  (H)
 (65) 8313551 (O)
Email: chenyi@stpbpo1.stpb.gov.sg
Time of update: Thu Jun  5 00:43:32 EDT 1997
Mr. Shen, Feng (Automobile 1979 - 1984)
Work:  U. of Singapore
Phone:  (H)
Time of update: Mon Sep  9 00:45:16 EDT 1996
Mr. Jianshuo, Yan (Chemical Engineering 1989 - 1994)
Work:  Yan Jianshuo, Fab2, Chartered Semiconductor Mfg Ltd
 60 Woodlands Industrial Park D, Street 2, Singapore 738406
Phone: (65)3620069 (H)
 (65)3604780 (O)
Fax: (65)3622934
Email: yanjs@fab2po2.csmfab2.csminc.com
Time of update: Mon Sep  1 03:22:24 EDT 1997
Dr. ENYI, CHEN (Civil Engeering 1986 - 1996)
Work:  Senior Engineer
 SsangYong Central Laboratory
 SsangYong Cement (Singapore) Limited
 17, Pioneer Crescent, Jurong Town
 Singapore 628552
 #07-120, BLK 276
Phone: 65-5260815 (H)
 65-2683188 (O)
Fax: 65-2640371
Email: ey_chen.ssy@cemtecasia.com.sg
Time of update: Wed Sep 11 06:00:54 EDT 1996
Dr. Lan, Shengrui (Civil Engeering 1990 - 1994)
Work:  School of Civil & Structural Engineering
 Nanyang Technological University
 Nanyang Avenue
 Singapore 639798
Home:  Blk 925 #04-95
 Jurong West St 92
 Singapore 640925
Phone: +65 7920602 (H)
 +65 7996227 (O)
Fax: +65 7910676
Email: cslan@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Homepage:   http://www.ntu.ac.sg
Time of update: Mon Aug 26 05:38:42 EDT 1996
Mr. Wang, Shouqing (Civil Engeering 1980 - 1985)
Work:  School of CSE
 Nanyang Technological University
 Nanyang Avenue
 Singapore 639798
Phone:  (H)
 7994739 (O)
Fax: 65-7910676
Email: csqwang@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Time of update: Mon Aug 26 05:27:42 EDT 1996
Gu, Mingkun (CS 85-87)
Work:   Institute of Systems Science
        National University of Singapore
Home:   Blk. 731, #04-304, Clementi West St. 2.
        Singapore 0512
Phone:  (65) 772-6813 (work)
        (65) 778-5379 (home)
Email:  mkgu@iss.nus.sg
Last Updated: September 19, 1994
Guo, Jin (Computer, Grad.85)
School: Institute of Systems Science
        National University of Singapore
Home:   #45C, TatLee Court, West Cost Rise,
        Singapore 0511
Phone:  (65) 772-2587 (work)
        (65) 773-6384 (home)
Email:  guojin@iss.nus.sg
Ms. Guo, Xiao-Yi (CS 85-90)
School: Research Lab 3,
        School of EEE,
        Nanyang Technological University,
        Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263.
Email: e93040d52@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Last Updated: September 19, 1994
Mr. Jin, Jixiang (Computer Science 1980 - 1985)
Work:  Swiss Bank Corporation
 5 Temasek Blvd
 Suntec City Tower #18-00
 Singapore 038985
Phone:  (H)
 (65) 431-8049 (O)
Email: jins@swissbank.com
Time of update: Wed Jul 31 10:47:59 EDT 1996
Mr. Wang, Tongsheng (Computer Science 1987 - 1992 - )
Work:  Dept. of ISCS
 NUS, Singapore 119260
Phone:  (H)
Email: wangtong@iscs.nus.sg
Time of update: Tue Mar  4 00:55:52 EST 1997
Mr. Wang, ZhiQiang (Computer Science 1983 - 1988)
Work:  IBM (Singapore )
Home:  BLK 284, #11-114
 YiShun Ave 6
 Singapore 760284
Phone: (65)2579851 (H)
 (65)8409949 (O)
Email: zhiqiangw@vnet.ibm.com
Time of update: Fri Apr 12 02:47:59 EDT 1996
Mr. Wu, Zhibiao (CS MS 85-88)
 - Neural network and nature language processing
School: Dept of Computer Science
 National University of Singapore
 Singapore .0511
Phone: 772-6136 (work)
Email: wuzhibia@nusdiscs.bitnet
Ms. Xiang, Yang (CS 85-90 BS 85.1)
School: Dept of Information sys and comp sci
       National University of Singapore
       10 kent ridge crescent
       Singapore 0511
Phone: 7722784 (O)
 2781075 (H)
Email: scip3188@nus.sg
Dr. Xue, Jingling (CS 79-86)
School: School of Elec. Electr. Engr.
 Nanyang Technological University
 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263
Phone:  +65 799 1236
Email:  ejxue@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg
Last Updated: 9/12/1995
Mr. Zeng Jianbo (CS 83-90)
Work:  COMPAQ Computer Asia/Pacific
Home:   #06 - 176, Blk 706
        Yishun Ave 5
        Singapore 2776
Phone:  65-7504706 (office)
 65- 2577492(home)
Email:  jzeng@bangate.eur.compaq.com
Last Updated: 9/12/1995
Zhang, Yiqun (CS 84-89)
School: Dept. of Computer Science
        National University of Singapore
Home:   Blk. 21, #10-348, Dover Cres.
        Singapore 0511
Phone:  (65) 772-2779 (work)
        (65) 772-0229 (home)
Email:  zhangyiq@iscs.nus.sg
Ms. Zhou, Hong (Computer Science 1985 - 1990)
Work:  Object Technology Lab
 School of Applied Science
 Nanyang Technological University
 Singapore 639798
Phone:  (H)
 (65)7996125 (O)
Fax: (65)7926559
Email: s94008a62@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Time of update: Tue May  7 08:16:24 EDT 1996
Dr. XU, Qing (Economics and Management 1989 - 1996)
Work:  Dept of Information Systems & computer Science
 National University of Singapore
 Lower Kent Ridge Road
 Singapore 119260
Phone: (65) 7762846 (H)
 (65) 7722790 (O)
Email: xuq@iscs.nus.sg
Time of update: Mon Dec 16 05:15:32 EST 1996
Mr. Yao, Ma (Economics and Management 1987 - 1992)
Work:  National Computer Systems
Home:  No Home
Phone:  (H)
 65-4865291 (O)
Email: mayao@elm.ncs.com.sg
Homepage:   http://wibble.iimg.ncs.com.sg
Time of update: Fri Oct 11 22:14:58 EDT 1996
Mr. Wang, Wei (Electrical 84-89)
Addr:   National Univ. of Singapore
Email:  engp3133@nusvm.bitnet
Ms. Xiaohua, Gong (Electrics Engineering (Dian Ji) 85 - 90)
Work:  Pepperl+Fuchs Pte Ltd
Home:  Blk 209  #10-241
 Boon Lay Place
 Singapore 640209
Phone: (65) 2657429 (H)
 (65) 7751021--264 (O)
Email: xiaohua@sg.pepperl-fuchs.com
Homepage:   http://www2.ntu.ac.sg:8000/~xiaohua.html
Time of update: Mon Jan 20 01:01:43 EST 1997
Ms. Chen, Hong (Radio Elec. 83-86 MS)
School: Dept of Electrical Engineering
        National University of Singapore
        Singapore 0511
Phone:  772.2146 (work)
Mr. Li , Xin (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 81 - 88)
Work:  NEC Singapore Pte Ltd
 No.1 Maritime Square #12-10
 World Trade Center
 Singapore 099253
Phone:  (H)
 +65-2772225 (O)
Email: lix@necsin.nec.com.sg
Time of update: Thu Jan  4 06:46:43 EST 1996
Mr. Lu, Yilong (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 81 - 84 for MS)
Work:     School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    Nanyang Technological University
    Singapore 639798
Home:     41 Jurong East Avenue 1
    Singapore 609777
Phone: (+65) 562 6031 (phone/fax) (H)
 (+65) 799 1431 (O)
Fax: (+65) 792 0415
Email: eylu@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Time of update: Mon Apr  8 10:51:47 EDT 1996
Mr. Lu, Yongfeng (Radio Electronics 79-84 BS)
Work: Dept of Electronic Engineering
 National University of Singapore
Email: eleluyf@leonis.nus.sg
Mr. Mo, Zhiqiang (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1982, 1990 - 1987, 1993)
Work:  Material Processing Centre
 Singapore Productivity and Standards Board
 1 Science Park Drive
 Singapore 118221
Home:  Blk 259 Bt Batok East Ave 4
 Singapore 650259
Phone: (65)6651936 (H)
 (65)7729556 (O)
Email: zqmo@pacific.net.sg
Time of update: Tue Dec 31 02:28:28 EST 1996
Ms. Shi, Yunhua (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1985 - 1993)
Home:  Blk 355 Woodlands Ave 1
 #05-713, Singapore 730355
Phone: 65-3638178 (H)
Email: yuxd@cyberway.com.sg
Time of update: Tue Aug 12 00:54:57 EDT 1997
Mr. Tian, Qi (Radio Elec. 66/78)
Work: Institute of System Science
 National University of Singapore
Email:  tian@iss.nus.sg
Mr. Wang, Xincai (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1984 - 1989)
Work:  COE
 Dept of E.E,
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Phone:  (H)
 (65)7715251 (O)
Email: engp6446@nus.sg
Time of update: Fri Jan  3 07:58:30 EST 1997
Dr. Yu, Xuedong (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1982 - 1993)
Work:  Chartered Semiconductor Mfg Ltd
Home:  Blk 355 Woodlands Ave 1
 #05-713, Singapore 730355
Phone: 65-3638178 (H)
 65-3604735 (O)
Fax: 65-3622936
Email: yuxd@cyberway.com.sg
Homepage:   www.geocities.com/soho/1608
Time of update: Tue Aug 12 00:52:55 EDT 1997
Mr. Zhao, Lixin (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 85 - 90)
Work:  CSM Singapore
Home:  Chao Chu Kang
 Centr.Blg 230, #157
Phone: 0065 7436949 (H)
Email: Zhaolx@csmpo.csm.csminc.com
Time of update: Tue Apr 30 21:54:02 EDT 1996
Mr. Zhenfeng, Wang (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1984 - 1996)
Work:  School of MPE, NTU
 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Phone:  (H)
 65-7991278 (O)
Fax: 65-7911859
Email: mzfwang@ntu.edu.sg
Time of update: Thu Jun 19 08:03:11 EDT 1997
Mr. Zheng, Jingliang (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 81 - 87 for MS, Ph.D)
Home:     BLK 364 Bukit Batok Street 31
    Singapore 650364
Phone: (+65) 567 4454 (H)
 (+65) 772 7133 (O)
Email: zjinglia@trantor.dso.gov.sg
Time of update: Mon Apr  8 10:54:01 EDT 1996
Mr. Zhi Qiang, Mo (Eletrical Engineering (Wu Xian Dian) 1982 - 1987, 1993)
Work:  Singapore Productivity and Standards Board
 1 Science Park Drive
 Singapore 118221
Home:  Blk 259 Bt Batok East Ave 4
 Singapore 650259
Phone: (65)6651936 (H)
 (65)7729556 (O)
Email: zqmo@pacific.net.sg
Time of update: Wed Oct 30 08:18:20 EST 1996
Mr. Zhou, Xing (Radio Elec. 78-83 BS)
Work: Dept of EEE
 Nanyang Technological University
Email:  exzhou@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Dr. Jiangyong, Hu (Environmental Engineering 1986 - 1996)
Work:  Postdoctoral Fellow
 Civil Engineering Department
 The National Uiversity of Singapore
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Home:  Block 249, Bukit Batok East Avenue 5
 Singapore 650249
Phone: 65-6657895 (H)
 65-7715265 (O)
Fax: 65-7791635
Email: cvehujy@nus.sg or chenenyi@cyberway.com.sg
Time of update: Mon Feb 10 04:26:26 EST 1997
Dr. Wang, Jian-Guo (Hydraulic Engineering 1979 - 1987)
Work:  Department of Civil Engineering
 National University
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Home:  Blk.6B, #11-147
 Margaret Drive
 Singapore 141006
Phone: (65)472-8668 (H)
 (65)772-6776 (O)
Fax: (65)779-1635
Email: cvewjg@leonis.nus.sg
Time of update: Fri Jul 19 01:45:59 EDT 1996
Mr. Zhu, Ling (Hydra Eng. 87-92)
Work: Ministry of Education, Singapore 0316
Addr: 12F, CSB, MOE, Kay Sieng Road,
 Singapore 0316
Phone: 65-470-9448
Email: zlg@piaget.moe.ac.sg
Last Updated: 9/12/1995
Ms. AN, Ping (Engineering Mechanics 1987 - 1992)
Work:  Natinal University of Singapore
 Civil Engineering
Home:  #03-76, BLK757
 Jurong West, St 74
 Singapore 640757
Phone: (26)7937808 (H)
Email: engp5543@nus.sg
Time of update: Wed May  1 07:19:00 EDT 1996
Fan, Hui (Solid 77)
Work: School of Mechanical and Production Eng.
 Nanyang Tech. Univ.
 Singapore 2263
Phone:  (65) 799-4860 (O)
        (65) 792-1181 (H)
Fax:    791-1859
Email:  mhfan@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Mr. Guo, Tao (Engineering Mechanics 1983 - 1991)
Work:  Fluid Mechanics
 Dpt. of Mechanical and Production Engineering
 National University of Singapore
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Home:  #09-160, BLK 341,
 Clementi, Ave.5,
 Singapore 120341
Phone: 0065-7748981 (H)
 0065-7722232 (O)
Email: engp5097@leonis.nus.sg
Time of update: Wed Feb 26 22:07:08 EST 1997
Mr. Li, Yong (Engineering Mechanics 1986 - 1991)
Work:  Parallax Research Pte Ltd
 201 Innovation Center
 Nanyang Technological University
 Singapore 2263
Home:  344 Ubi Avenue 1
 Singapore 400344
Phone: (65)-7453073 (H)
 (65)-7936911 (O)
Fax: (65)793-0775
Email: Parallax@pacific.net.sg
Homepage:   nill
Time of update: Wed Jul  3 00:15:44 EDT 1996
Qin, Shaowen (Solid 77)
        (See Fan, Hui)
Work:   National Univ. of Singapore
Email:  mpeqinsw@leonis.nus.sg

Mr. Sun, Jisong (Engineering Mechanics 1983 - 1991)
Work:  Dynamics Div. Dept. of Mechanical & Production Eng.
 National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Home:  Eusoff College
 26 Evans Road
 Singapore 259367
Phone:  (H)
 0065-7722237 (O)
Email: engp6826@leonis.nus.sg
Time of update: Fri Feb 28 21:17:36 EST 1997
Ms. yan, ning (Engineering Mechanics 1983 - 1991)
Work:  Structure Division, Department of Civil Engineering,
 National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent,
 Singapore 119260
Home:  Clementi Ave. 5, Blk 341, Singapore 120341
Phone: 0065-7748981 (H)
 0065-7722267 (O)
Email: engp5500@leonis.nus.sg
Time of update: Tue Feb 25 21:39:46 EST 1997
Dr. HU, BANGHONG (Mechanical Engineering 1979 - 1990)
Work:  Gintic, Nnayang Technological University
 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075
Home:  BLK 902, Jurong West ST 91
 #10-101, Singapore 640902
Phone: (65)7921319 (H)
 (65)7991176 (O)
Fax: (65)7921319
Email: mbhu@ntuvax.ntu.ac.sg
Homepage:   http://www2.ntu.ac.sg:8000/~mbhu/index.html
Time of update: Wed Sep 11 00:15:55 EDT 1996
Dr. Wanlong, Wang (Mechanical Engineering 1992.2 - 1995.7)
Work:  Dept. of Mechanical & Production Engineering
 National University of Singapore
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Phone:  (H)
 (65)7726483 (O)
Fax: (65)7791459
Email: mpewwl@leonis.nus.sg
Homepage:   http://www.cadcam.nus.sg/~mpewwang
Time of update: Thu Jan  4 08:26:12 EST 1996
Mr. Zhang, Weilin (Mechanical Engineering 1980 - 1986)
Work:  Schmidt Scientific (Pte) Ltd
 2 Jalan Kilang Barat
 Singapore 159346
Phone:  (H)
 (65) 2775557 (O)
Email: WeilinZhang@sss.schmidtgroup.com
Time of update: Wed Feb 12 01:02:21 EST 1997
Dr. zheng, hong yu (Mechanical Engineering 1980 - 1985)
Work:  Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Tech.,
 71 Nanyang Drive,
 Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore
Phone:  (H)
 65-799-6392 (O)
Fax: 65-792-2779
Email: hyzheng@gintic.gov.sg
Time of update: Fri Apr 18 08:59:25 EDT 1997
Dr. MA, YongSheng (Precision Instruments 1981 - 1986)
Work:  Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology
 Nanyang Technological University
Home:  Blk 116, #03-220, Bukit Batok West Ave 6
 Singapore 650116
Phone: (+65)5601595 (H)
 (+65)7995902 (O)
Fax: (+65)7916377
Email: ysma@gintic.gov.sg
Time of update: Wed Jun 18 10:48:01 EDT 1997
Mr. Pengdong, Xiao (Precision Instruments 1993 - 1996)
Work:  School of Mechanical & Production Engineering
 Nanyang Technological University
 Nanyang Avenue
 Singapore 639798
Home:  Block 839, #11-93
 Jurong West St 81
 Singapore 640839
Phone: 65-7935043 (H)
 65-7991298 (O)
Email: mpxiao@delta.ntu.ac.sg
Homepage:   http://www2.ntu.ac.sg:8000/~mpxiao/xiao.html
Time of update: Fri Sep 27 03:40:14 EDT 1996
Mr. Sun, Yu (Pre. ID. 85-92)
School: Dept. of Elec. Engr.
 National University of Singapore
Addr.: Dept. of Elec. Engr., NUS
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent
Email: engp4129@leonis.nus.sg
Last Updated: 9/12/1995
Mr. Xiaoning, Jiang (Precision Instruments 1992 - 1996)
Work:  School of MPE
 Nanyang Technological University
 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Home:  BLK 481 JURONG WEST STR. 41
Phone: 65-5614726 (H)
 65-7995542 (O)
Fax: 65-7911859
Email: mxnjiang@ntu.edu.sg
Time of update: Fri Jan 24 06:21:50 EST 1997
Dr. Hong, Tianzhen (Thermal Engineering 1986 - 1994)
Work:  Dept. of Mechanical and Production Engineering
 National University of Singapore
 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
Phone:  (H)
 +65 7727843 (O)
Email: mpehtz@nus.sg
Time of update: Wed Jul  3 02:26:07 EDT 1996
Dr. XU, Yan (Thermal Engineering 1992 - 1995)
Work:  Dept. of Mechanical & Production Engineering
 National University of Singapore
 Kent Ridge Crescent
 Singapore 119260
Phone: (65) 7762846 (H)
 (65) 7726483 (O)
Email: mpexuyan@nus.sg
Time of update: Mon Dec 16 05:21:52 EST 1996
Qian, Xiao-Dong (Unknown)
Addr: Blk 170 Bt Batok West Ave 8
 Singapore 2365
Email: fbap5276@leonis.nus.sg
Last Updated: 9/12/1995