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lee - 08/05/00 04:14:48
My Email:leeonid@hotmail.com

hi your page looks VERY nice!!! i'm serious and i got one ?question? u're going to put songs on your site with Real Player, and how do u do that?? i'm building a site too, and i just want to put my favorite songs on there for mu buddys so please, pleazzzzzzz tell me my e-mail >>> leeonid@hotmail.com

connie guidroz - 10/20/99 23:56:32
My Email:mrsg1970-@aol.com

love it ..............

brett moran - 09/24/99 16:05:28
My Email:bdmoran@realns.com

hello vasily nice web page please email me if you have time

rob heywood - 06/12/99 19:51:25
My Email:r.heywood@virgin.net


rob heywood - 06/12/99 19:51:01
My Email:r.heywood@virgin.net


marsel - 06/08/99 08:31:26
My Email:marselsky@usa.net

Velıkolepnyı sıte!!!é

Raphael Gamaroff - 05/30/99 06:22:40
My Email:raphgam@border.co.za

Hi How do I get on to your special list? Raphael South Africa

Bob - 12/29/98 22:11:25

hi!!!!! You have a cool Homepage! I like it!

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