My name is Steven, I am a 14 year old male from Texas. I am learning computer programming on my own time. I have written one Java Applet currently. In the future I wish to seek a job in Web Design and possible Computer Programming.
I currently maintain 10 or so web sites for friends, I also maintain 3 of my own. I own a magic site, I am co-founder of The FooL's Domicile, and I run E-mail Mates and Animated Gifs. The newest one is
I have created this site in hopes of finding some other programmers that could teach me a few things and to get some of my programs tested. If you are a programmer that wants to become my Mentor, please E-mail me. I would love to talk to any other programmers out there! If you would like to use any of the applets or programs that you find on this page you are more than welcome to test them. I am not responsible for anything that any of these programs, pages, applets, or any other part of this page may contain. You, the user, are the person that is solely responsible for the use and any damage that these may cause. I am only the programmer! I can not force you to go any further or use any of this! I am only getting my name out there!
This is a little info about me.
I currently reside in Lubbock Texas. I am 14 years of age and my
birth date is 9/06/83. I am a Magician, I do birthday parties and
other things like that. I am awaiting my membership in the IBM,
and I am a member of the local ring which is known as The West
Texas Wizards. I hate, loath, and despise the "Masked
Magician"! He is a disgrace to magicians everywhere!
I am interested in all types of programming that you can imagine! I want to learn to write Java Applets, Computer Programs in C++ and other languages, I want to learn to Java Script, and extend my knowledge in HTML.
I am a oncology patient currently seeking treatment under DR. Iacoune M.D.. He is a good doctor, very smart! I suffer from T-Cell Lymphoma. To read more about me please visit my info page, there you will find my auto biography, itis short but it does tell you all about me.
Well, I think that is quite enough about me for now, lets get on with the programming!!!
To use this page please notice the use of 2 frames, one that you are currently looking at and another that is directly to your left. The one you are looking at will be known as the "main" frame. This is where all the data and things will be displayed. The frame to your left is where all the links to various places will be displayed.
That is all for this page... hope you enjoy!
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Between and 12:30pm May
15, 1998 people have been here!
Steven Carr, Digital Magic, Geocities nor HubNet are responsilble for anything on theis page. You are here at yur owb risk. The programs, scripts, and all everything else is in BETA Version. All opinions are Steven Carrs and his alone. They are only OPINIONS! Enjoy!
This page was constructed by Steven Carr. He offers reasonable pricing and quick service. E-mail him today. © Digital Magic. All rights reserved