Welcome to Jim's Games & Hobby page!

Plus links to Genealogy Sites on the 'Net.

[Hobbies] [Genealogy Links]

Now playing the "Cheers" TV Show Theme midi file.
<BGSOUND SRC="cheers.mid" LOOP=1>


Game Reviews

Read the game reviews and download demo's of the today's Hottest games!

3-D Review
If you want to add more punch to your game playing experiences,
check out this review of 3-D hardware cards for your computer.

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Model Railroading on the Internet

Another soothing hobby of mine is the planning and execution of my own model railroad layout. I model the present Conrail freight lines that are native to my area, in HO scale. I have one bedroom devoted to the layout, and it is under constant construction. Get on the track and follow these links to many sites for ideas and supplies.

This site is brought to you by the model RR manufacturer Con-Cor.

Atlas has been manufacturing model railroad products for many years now.
They have the "Right Track" software program for designing your own layout.

Cyberspace World Railroad
A site for some very cool links to model railroading around the web

In addition to the online version of it's magazine, Kalmbach Publishing also lists many links for the home modeler for RR supplies and other manufacturers.

Amtrak Online
The online Amtrak station has lots of surprises including virtual rail stops, an interactive scheduler, travel information, and a train photo gallery. Ride the rails on the Web, or make plans for a real trip!

Auto Racing on the Web!

One of my favorite TV sports to watch is auto racing.
I like the open wheel racing of Indycar and IRL.

Go here to see driver profiles, race results, and all the latest news from the world of Indycar.

My favorite Chevy driver is Dale Earnhardt, Jr. of NASCAR.

NASCAR Online - the FASTEST site for NASCAR results!
Check here for profiles about drivers and teams, and to check the latest schedule for upcoming races.

For your own computer racing fun, check out the latest race driving simulators at Sierra Online!
Sierra Online

Gentlemen, and Ladies....Start your engines!

The U.S. Pits
For all the latest patches, and new car sets check out THE U.S. Pits!

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Tracing your family roots!

Do you remember all those stories your grandfather used to tell you?
Do you keep in contact with your Aunts, Uncles, and cousins?
Check out some of these links to genealogy sites on the 'Net:

Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet
Over 25,350 links, categorized & cross-referenced in over 70 categories

The Genealogy Home Page
Lots of very good links to other genealogy sites

American Hometown
A new database EVERY Weekday! Volumes to-date: 212

Rita's Genealogy Links
Here are some of Rita's favorite sites on the web. Check 'em out !!!! They are ALL great sites !

Find all those lost relatives on the internet. You might be surprised by the ghosts you might discover in the closet!

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This page last updated Fevruary 28, 2005

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