Muslims believe in One god (Allah, meaning one god in arabic) and that God has sent thousands of prophets over time to guide mankind to the right path. Muslims believe that Adam, Noah, Suleman, Abraham, Aaron, John the Baptist aka Yahya, Jesus, Moses etc were all true prophets and that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last prophet. Muslims also believe that the Bible was the word of God in its orignal form, however, its original form has now been lost over time. The Quran (Koran) is the Muslim holy book which Muslims believe to be the literal (verbatim) word of God. Muslims also believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was a true prophet and that he will return to lead the war against the Anti-Crist.

Please browse through the Islamic pages to get more information about Islam.


Discover Islam - All major topics with pictures

Why Islam - Why is Islam the way of life to follow.

Submission - Submission to God is the only way to eternal peace

Islam 101

It is the Truth - scientific facts revealed in the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah.

What is not Islam!new - Abusing Islam

Salaam Knowledge

Musalman Online new - A comprehensive islamic page with everthing topic wise. Also includes an islamic search engine

Islam City - A site with everything on Islam including Radio islam.

Muslim Prayer Times - Get prayer times for almost any city in the world.

Islamic Findernew - offering a search engine for finding Masjids, Islamic organizations, Muslim businesses, prayer time schedules, and more.

Voice of Islam - Listen to a selection of contemporary topics by some very dynamic speakers delivered via RealAudio.

Salim Morgan - Excellent lectures from American Muslim scholar Salim Morgan on every topic

Cisco Islam Homepage - A beautiful site with information topic wise.


S.A. Maududi's t ranslation and commentary on Quran

Pickthall translation

Yusuf Ali translation

Search Quran by Word

Learning the Holy Quran (Translation in many languages)

Recitation of the Holy Quran

Aswat al-islam - Best website for all sorts of islamic audio (everything you can think of)

Qari Abdul Basit Quran Recitation with English Translation

Radio Al-Islam Quran recitation by many!

Whole Quran Recitation by Mahmood Khaleel Al-Husaree -in real audio

Equran - Huge selection but may need to become member

Quran Download CD Quality, Large selection

Sudais CD Quality

Shuraim CD Quality

Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah Qur'anic Recitation

Quran Recitation


Hadith are the actions or sayings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

The day of Judgement

The signs of the last daynew - The minor and major signs that would appear before the end of this world. Many have already occured.