Sample Software

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all sample software you'll find here is free. Each sample is provided 'as is' without any warranty of any kind or any liability on my part. Take them as is and decide for yourself whether you can use and rely on any particular program you find here. However, I honestly believe that I have sufficiently tested each program for the purpose it was intended prior then posting it for public consumption. I realize though that no software is free of bugs, and if you find such a beast in my program, please let me know. I hope that, if nothing else, these samples will make you generate creative ideas for your own software.

You are free to give these programs to others by any means of redistribution. I do consider these programs my intellectual property though, and if you find that something is worth redistribution, I ask to acknowledge my authorship and to not modify the material presented here when it's given to other people.

Windows Virtual Device Drivers (VxDs) related stuff.

These sample porgrams run on all Windows platforms that support VxDs.
RINGO Generic framework for VxDs contained in Ring 3 software components.
DT Dumps the content of GDT, LDT, and IDT. (Win16 and extended-DOS).
WHIDVM Runs DOS programs in hidden Virtual Machines from the GUI shell.
DMMSPY Reveals user mode programs that take advantage of protection holes in Windows 95.
DOSNOGO DOS in Windows phantasy.
REMOVEVM Removes orphan Virtual Machines
VXDIDGEN AWK programs to extract VxD IDs and service numbers from DDK. Produce C header files and formatted tables.
COREDUMP Excellent tool for exploring Windows 95 internals
Coming soon:
Java et al.
Tools for exploring Java 'internals', documentation utilities, and more


This page has been visited times since Mar-24-1998

Last updated: October 28, 1997.
Copyright @ 1997 Alex Shmidt. All rights reserved.