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Windows 95 is the dreaded words for some users who loved to hate it. It's given a lot of users sleepless nights and wasted days. It's given me lots of trouble figuring out what has really gone wrong with the computer. It suddenly gives an error messages of one kind or the other. Well luckilly we have some good people out there who has the ability to make good of the problems and produced some very good web sites on Windows 95.

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  new3.gif (3972 bytes) Windows 95 Annoyances

 new3.gif (3972 bytes) Windows 95 Trouble Shooters

 new3.gif (3972 bytes) Windex - The Windows 95 Index


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Below are shareware and freeware sites for Windows 95. 32-bit Shareware Collection

Windows 95 Central

Dylan's Windows 95 Starting Pages: Software

Freeware Publishing Site-Freeware for Windows 95

Congo's Windows95 Place

Freeware 95

Freeware Home

My Shareware Page-Only the Best 32 Bit Shareware

Cool Freeware Reviews

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This page was created on 1st Sept 1997 and last updated on 11/19/97


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