Ivan da Silva Sendin
Ivan da Silva Sendin
Born at Londrina, Brazil
Living at Campinas, Brazil
25 years old, married.
Master degree at Institut of Computing of Unicamp
Period : 01/97 to 07/99
Dissertation's Title: Criptographyc Hash Functions
Courses: Network Security, Criptography , Algorithms Analisys, High Speed Network (ATM, FDDI),
Distributed Computing (CORBA,CDE), Paralel Architetures
Bacherol's Degree in Computer Science at State University of Londrina
Period: 1993 to 1996
Professional Experience
- Working at Bioinformatics Laboratory of Institute of Computing (University of Campinas)
- Bioinformatics Laboratory of Intitute of Computing is the main brazilian laboratory working
whith genome.
- System and network administration and developing:
- Solaris, Tru64 and Linux
- Apache, Apache-SSL, mySQL and SSH
- Perl coding
- Reckon Engenharia de Sistemas
- Period: feb/99 to nov/2000
- Reckon is a small development company that works for big companies (Lucent, Alcatel, etc)
- Job attributes: analisys, coding, debuging and documentation.
- Tools: C,C++,Java,SQL,Perl,CBuilder
- Unimed Londrina:
Period: jun/96 to Jan/97
webmaster (HTML and CGI) and training.
- Tecnical Skills
- Programming Languages:
- Professional experience: 2 years with C,C++, Java and Perl
- Others: TCL/TK and Assembly x86.
- Windows: C++ Builder, Install Shield and DLLs
- Unix : daemons, threads, TCP/IP, RPC.
- Linux: instalation, configuration, troubleshutting.
- Security:
- Criptography: programming, PKI, OpenSSL and JCE/Cryptix.
- Protocols, security libs and tools: libnet, libpcap, firewall, nmap and others
- Others:
- UML, GNU tools: make,cvs,tar,wget.
- Open Source projects
- I'm currently developing jPacket project.
jPacket is (will be) a Java library to handle low level IP,TCP and UDP packet constructin and
injection. See more about jPacket here.
- Professional Interests
- Develop security software using Java, C and C++.
- Develop linux driver/kernel level
- Security Consulting.