Crime in South Africa is out of control
and the ANC does NOTHING about it!
Crime in South Africa is not ONE step beyond out of control, it is MANY steps beyond this by now.
Every day, people are murdered and robbed, while the ANC governement sit in luxury and tax-funded protection.
The only excuse the ANC can find is that it is a legacy of the past...
They should, however, realise that it is in fact a reality of the PRESENT!
AND that they are the main contributers to the crime!
The ANC policy is one of non-discrimination, democratic ideas.
HOWEVER, the application is totally twisted.
ANC Memebers are convicted of murder in court, but remain in power.
ANC members can make racist statements and get away with it, since they are the government. State like "When Mandela goes, you whites will be killed like flies", and one particular statement which deserves attention: "You whites have been given too much, everything should be taken away from you.". This last statement from our very own Minister of Justice, Dullar Omar.
The rot of HATRED starts from the top.
Human rights are now mistaken for Criminal rights.
Criminals are not allowed to be hit, shot at, shouted at, sworn at, even when they are found raping a child after shooting the parent in cold blood.
Government condemns Citizens against crime, but PROTECTS drug lords. PROVEN FACT!
Personal property is not allowed to be protected if it could cause the slightest discomfort to a criminal who breaks in. Pepper spray is a no-no, but guns are allowed to criminals.
The ANC go out of their way to seed hatred against their opponents who are only trying to point out these facts.
DENIAL is a strong character of ALL ANC memebers.
Criminal Rights won't allow the death sentence to be brought back, even though these criminal have shot woman and children in the head,in daylight, just to steal their car.
What the papers say
Friday 13/11/97
Woman (29) is gang raped by 5 men, men still at large.
House burglar kills 19 year old guard at Roshnee at 2:20am. The occupants of the house were still sleeping when the silent alarm warned the security company.
Woman,77, is strangled to death in Johannesburg
Hijack Trio shoot police in Durban.
35 year old woman raped by knife point in Diepsloot.
Bakkie with explosive hijacked by 3 armed men.
Domestic worker found by owner's son's mother-in-law, before she was drowned. 2 armed thieves attacked her, tied her and left her in the tub with the water running so that she would drown.
Truck with R30000 drink hijacked by three armed men.
2 Men were shot at, 1 dead, from a moving PUTCO bus. No arrests have been made yet.
And far too many car hijackings to list here...
Tuesday 18/11/97
5 Armed men assualt 2 men after tying their hand with wire hangers, rape 2 woman, 1 of which was 9 months pregnent, and rob their house, and 4 of these men "walk away laughing as the woman broke out in tears", the fifth, who was identified as the "leader of this gang", gets 15 years for robbery.
Governement spreads more hatred against the white minority. After a woman was shot dead in front of her four children on a farm in Burgersdorp, the Fredom Front said that the ANC should be held responsible for crimes like this, due to their lack of commitment fighting crime, and especially not allowing communities to form "security forums". The ANC now says that they are trying to "spur racist tension", a typical story from the ANC government, again, even though race was never an issue from the start!
The government would just like to say that "all whites" must admit that they are ALL racist, evil apartheid loving monsters, which is a load of ANC racist propaganda.
More rapes, murders, car hijackings with "aggrivating circumstances", ie. murders!
Wednesday 18/11/97
The minister of Justice, Dular omar, stated that the murders commited by the convicted murderess, ANC populist, Winnie Mandela, was not "of importance". In other words, the crimes by ANC members are trivial, but from other areas are "severe close to what Nazi did". This shows the two standards set by the ANC government.
Thursday 19/11/97
Dular Omar, in his stupidity again, warns on death penalty referendum. The majority of Sourth Africans want to re-introduce the death penalty for serious crimes, however, the ANC have ensured that this will never happen.
The ANC have sent a STRONG WARNING that the majority DO NOT RULE THE COUTRY, the ANC are the SUPREME POWER now.
The same thing happened a few months ago when people wanted to protest against the high crime rate by blocking highways, the ANC governement ORDERED the immediate arrest of ANYONE blocking the highways.
However, the drug lords in the Cape flats got police protection during the same period!
Friday 20/11/97
One of 4 armed thieves stabs 70 year old bottle store owner in the head, after the money safe had been opened and the money already taken.
Girl of 2 years is kidnapped from shop, raped and dumped 300m away from where she was kidnapped. The two criminals have been arrested. The original motive was theft of the shop owner.
Government is "shocked" that Thambo Mbeki's (deputy president's) mother had her shop robbed recently. Does this mean that government official's family must be immune when the rest of the citizens have to suffer under the criminal rights?
Other country: Zimbabwe governement steals farmer's land. Robert Mugabe violates other human rights. International community don't care, because Zimbabwe has no Oil, so the Americans don't need to defend it!
Monday 24/11/97
Witnesses are to testify against Winnie Mandela in her involvement with the murders and dissapperance of various individauls, and other human right violations against people in the apartheid era.
Winnie, now divorced from Nelson Mandela, is president of the ANC woman's Legue, and wants to run for post of Deputy President of South Africa in the next election.
Tuesday 25/11/97
Winnie Mandela has been implicated in murders and gross human right violations by the various witnesses who testified against her. She beat, stabbed and ordered the killing of various anti-apartheid activists, incuding the severe and repetitive beating of a pregnant woman, who she believed had an affair with her (then) lover. Everyone she commited these acts against were full ANC black members, who were known anti-apartheid activists!
Dullar Omar, our increasingly stupid racist minister of justice, says he stands behind Winnie, and that her actions were nothing compared to what the "WHITES" did, and that the murders she commited are ok.
Our president, Nelson Mandela, has bestoyed one of South Africa's greatest honours, the Order of Good Hope, on two leaders who are well known for oppression and human right violations in their own countries.
These two people are Libya's leader, Mummar gadafi, and Indonesian president, Mohamed Suharto.
The Democratic Party and National Party of South Africa were strongly critised by the ANC's president, Nelson Mandela, for critisising these rediculous moves!
The ANC sent out a statement saying that this confirms "the suspision of the majority of the citizens of the country that these parties are refusing to embrase the new order ".
Does this mean that the ANC politicians, and particularly, the president now consider themselves the "majority"? Also, does this mean that the "new order" we have to embrace is communism and oppression.
Thursday 27/11/97
The ANC have just introduced their new racist policy of "affirmative action". This policy allows that the governement fine a company up to R900,000 if that company employs people who are not black (or who do not fall in their desired catogary of "ideal" applicants)! The new law disregards experience, knowledge or merit altogether, which means that if two people where to apply for a job, and if hyperthetically a black person got a diploma passed with 40% and a white male passed with 98%, the "right person" for the job would be the 40% applicant!
Winnie Mandela smiles and shouts "I don't give a damn!".
She is still a person of power in this country!
Friday 28/11/97
The South African Intitute of Race relations slammed Mandela's Racist Claim.
"The institute is distressed by the increasing tendancy of some political leaders to accuse their critics of racism when their actions or programmes are criticised, rather than attempting to justify their actions."
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela has been implicated in at least 6 murders and a series of assualts at her Soweto home between 1988 and1992.
The amount of crime in this country is really unbelieveable. If I had to fill in this page every day, it would soon be full.
Much has happened since the last entry. More murders, closure of hospitals, inadequete funds for health care, corruption, and governement propaganda.
Winnie was not selected as deputy president (Thank the Lord God), since she "declined" the position. The main reason was to avoid embarresment, since no provincial seat voted for her. The ANC also apposed her apointment. She, however, walks free as an uncaged bird, smiling and being happy, no remorse for what she did.
Mandela critisised everyone who do not support the ANC, and who those who voice their opinion against crime and corruption in South Africa, labelling them "unwilling to work towards domocracy and unity". This is an OLD story and we have heard it all before. This ANC view of "non-democratic forces" includes the media and the opposition parties who report on the realities of what is happening in South Africa today!
Strange enough, just 2 days after his speech, there is a R10 million highway robbery, at 12 noon, where all 6 security guards where killed in cold blood. Did you watch the movie HEAT where the gaurds being blinded and deaf by the original exposion are shot in cold blood? What happens in South Africa is worse!
With military presision, 20 AK-47 wielding murderers, attack and kill a small convoy.
THE Government blames this on it's opposition and the media?
It is high time the government took responsibility for it's disasters, lies, and inability to govern! The punishment should fit the crime!
Zimbabwe, the ultimate disaster reality (no comedy this)
Some outside news now. Since Mugabe, the brain dead dictator of Zimbabwe, announced the forced theft of Farmer's land, Zimbabwe's economy has slid into disaster. The stock market has plumited over 40% (equal to that of the East), the Zim Dolar has dropped badly, interest rates have shot up, and the governement wanted to impose a tax to supplement a pension for the terrorists who killed many white people of former Rhodesia. The people obviously protested about being further financially burdened , and riots broke out, and yet as stubborn as Mugabe is, he insisted on implementing this tax and warned that anyone protesting again, will be SHOT!!!
The idea was later scrapped.
Is Mugabe so stupid to reduce the country's economy by 33% and causing thousands of workers to lose their job? Apparently so. Unemployment in Zimbabwe is 30%, not a bad figure, but worsening every day.
Friday 19/12/97
History in the making, Mandela re-told the SABC (The new voice of the ANC) how dissapointed he was that the ANC do not control the media (yet).
His distorted racist slander were that the "White" media is part of a counter-revolutionary force to shape and control the evil minority view. Does this sound highly racist to you?
Mandela went further to say that the ANC "must consider what measures to take against the media" because of "racism" views they take. He is obviously referring to the fact that the media critisise the ANC's lack of actrion against the rampant crime and the corruption within the ANC structures.
He however praised the voice of the ANC, the public broadcaster, the SABC. Oh, yes, black editors are only "tokens" within the media circles. What a load of pure trash!
This is the start of taking over the media in South Africa, the views of the media MUST REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE GOVERNMENT!
Well, well, not even 1 day after 6 guards were shot dead, another attack on a cash invoy, this time by 20 to 25 armed thieves on bukkies, attacked a 3 vehgicle envoy from a casino complex in Pretoria. The convoy made a U turn on the highway back into the casino complex, where the security guards at the gate returned fire on the thieves,causing them to flee without the money. 2 Guards were woulded. Police reported 50 bullet holes in one of the convoy vehicles. The ever increasing stupid president (and outgoing, thank heavens) of this country, still maintains that crime is not "a serious problem" in this country. I would like to ask: compared to what? HELL?
A time of joy and goodwill has turned into a time of tears and sadness for many families in our country. Please remember that there is still another 63 murders every day in this country!
Zimbabwe continues it's rot
A zimbabwean radio announcer is out of a job after she allowed a people to call in on a radio talk show to critisise the way in which Zimbabawean police brutaly broke up protestors, who were protesting against the tax increase. Gery Jackson got her dismissal because of her "disregard for authority".
The police assualted demonstrators and passerby with clubs and fired tear gas at random.
It's a new year, but nothing changes, Dular the Madman Omar, now wants to release criminals into society, because they commited "petty crimes" and cannot aford bail.
Nelson Mandela has changed diplomatic ties from the democratic Taiwan to communist China. (Like the rest of the west, I suppose). Look for "Harry Wu" and find out how he was imprisoned for 20 years for voicing his opinion on Communism. By the way, he had to escape to the US to find his freedom.
Some idiots from the government (and PAC)say that China has got "democratic" elections and the Communists always win because they are so popular. What a bunch of morons, yes they do have elections, but it is far from democratic, as a matter of fact, it is in the same way apartheid was conducted, the only people who run for elections are the communists in any case, and what you vote for is who the new leader will be! Get educated today, don't play with your b*l*s!
Australia was found to have a high crime rate in the world of 76 murders in 9 months, the world is shocked. HOLD IT... if you havn't noticed, South Africa's murder rate is 63 A DAY!
This page I dedicate to the 65 people who are murdered every DAY in our country, and let your relatives and friends know that God is watching, and the people responsible for these acts, as well as the politicians who allow it to happen, will eventually pay the price. The gates of the sipitual world is only open to those who WORK for it, be that Hindu, Muslin, Christian.
Since the start of this page, have read it and witnessed the TRUTH about what is happening in South Africa.
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